HILL, James
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 906
14 Harford Place
November 10th 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to acquaint your Lordship that in the beginning of September last I joined a party applying for permission to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope under the direction of a Mr HOLMES of the city of Canterbury, and I was fully assured by him that the party (with my name included) was fully approved by Your Lordship, and that everything was in a fair train for our ultimately proceeding to that settlement, in consequence of which I sold off my property consisting of household furniture and a stock in trade, and gave up also my house and business but I am now informed that Mr HOLMES has declined proceeding and the party is broken up and dispersed. I have therefore lost both my business and my chance of going out to the Cape by the conduct of Mr HOLMES, unless I am permitted by Your Lordship, to join some one of the parties going out from this place, Deal, Dover or elsewhere.
I have therefore very respectfully to request Your Lordship will cause my name to be inserted in some order for embarkation and as I have served as a non-commissioned officer in His Majesty's 13th R'gt Lt Dragoons for upwards of nine years, from which I have purchased my discharge some time since; and I can with confidence refer Your Lordship to General BOLTON or any other Field Officer belonging to the Regiment for a character; I trust Your Lordship will grant my request; But should it not meet Your Lordship's approbation to attach me to any other party, I long to know if Your Lordship will be pleased to allow me to go out paying my own expenses, and that of two sons I propose taking out with me/ one of eleven years and one of thirteen, only requesting Your Lordship to give me an order for the customary grant of land to Settlers going out at the expense of His Majesty's Government?
I have the Honor to remain My Lord,
Your Lordship's most obedient and very humble servant
James HILL
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 915
14 Harford Place
17 Nov 1819
My Lord,
As I am determined to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope by the first favourable opportunity at my own expense, and as that opportunity is likely to seem from the Downs, I have to request Your Lordship will have the goodness to furnish me with your recommendations to the Governor of the Colony for a Grant of Land agreeably to the intentions expressed in your Lordship's letter of the 13th August.
I have the honor to remain My Lord,
Your Lordship's Most Obedient Very Humble Servant,
James HILL
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