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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

HUGHES, George

National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 711


August 13th 1819

The humble petition of several of his Majesty's loyal subjects of the town and vicinity of Edenderry, Kings County, Ireland

Humbly Sheweth

That they are desirous of emigrating to the cape of good hope under the plans and conditions laid down by his Majesty's Government. That on account of their living so remote from London where the colonial Department transact their business they are unacquainted with the proper mode of making an application to that effect. That they are ready at any time to make the necessary deposit at any place which may be appointed by those to whom the arrangement of such affairs may have been entrusted. That they can if required bring forward Characters and recommendations from the Ministers, Church, Wardens, Magistrates and gentlemen of their own and the neighbouring parishes stating their loyalty and general good conduct. That they have been directed to apply to the Colonial department thro your Lordship. That they most humbly beg your Lordship will give them such information as may enable them to make their application in proper manner if this should be insufficient. That they humbly Hope your Lordship will not only pardoned their ignorance if they have improperly applied but also direct this their humble petition into the proper channel. That they most humbly pray that they may be sent to the above Colony.

That such information may be sent them addressed to George HUGHES, Edenderry, King's County, Ireland as may be necessary to the final accomplishment of their wishes and that a copy may be sent them of the Circular which they are informed has been published by the colonial department on the above subject, and petitioners shall ever pray.

On next page a list of names.

George HUGHES, his wife, 7 children, 4 male, 3 female

Robert HUGHES, wife, 2 children, 1 male, 1 female

Richard STUART, wife, 3 children, 2 male, 1 female

Robert FISHER, wife, 4 children, 3 male, 1 female

Henry CURRAGAN, , 6 children, 1 male, 5 female

John TOMLINSON, wife, 3 children, 3 male,

James MORRISON, wife, 6 children, 3 male, 3 female

John BOOTHE, wife, 6 children, 3 male, 3 female

William MORRIS, , 4 children, 2 male, 2 female

John [THALLY], wife, 4 children, 2 male, 2 female

James COUSINS, wife, 2 children, 2 male,

William ANDERSON, wife, 5 children, 3 male, 2 female

Rd WHYTE, wife, 2 children, 1 male, 1 female

There are many men who were not present to sign


his wife

7 children

4 male

3 female



2 children

1 male

1 female

Richard STUART


3 children

2 male

1 female



4 children

3 male

1 female



6 children

1 male

5 female



3 children

3 male




6 children

3 male

3 female



6 children

3 male

3 female

William MORRIS


4 children

2 male

2 female



4 children

2 male

2 female



2 children

2 male




5 children

3 male

2 female



2 children

1 male

1 female

[mis-filed under B in CO48/41]




National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 471/472

The humble petition of George HUGHES and the party under his direction humbly sheweth

That they are ready to comply with all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands at the Cape of Good Hope, that on their receiving your Lordship's reply of the 17th ultimo they immediately arranged all their affairs so as to prevent the possibility of any failure on their parts, that they are all skilled in agriculture having been land holders in this country, that they humbly beg your Lordship will accept their proposal and send them the earliest possible notice of its acceptance, that your Lordship will at the same time acquaint them with the time and port of embarkation, that if convenient to your Lordship they would wish to embark at Dublin that port being only 23 miles from the place of their residence. That they wish to be informed whether they will be allowed to bring farming utensils from this country free of expense and whether they will be supplied with any at the Cape. Whether they (petitioners) are to be sent to the interior and how far from the coast as nearly as your Lordship can inform them that they make their arrangements

Petitioners shall pray

Direct to George HUGHES

Edenderry Kings

That the names of those persons whom George HUGHES proposes to take to the Cape of Good Hope under his direction

1st family

1  George HUGHES 56

2  Letitia his wife 39

3  Eleanor HUGHES 13

4  Charles do. 11

5  Jonas do. 8

6  Henry do. 6

7  Rich'd do. 4

2nd family

8  Rob't HUGHES 34

9  Mary his wife 34

10  Rich'd HUGHES 4

11  Mary do. 3

3rd family

12  Charles SHERIDAN 24

13  Mary do. 24

14  Mary do. 3

15  Letitia do. 12

4th family

16  Rob't BOOTH 30

17  Ann do. 26

18  George do. 7

19  Rob't do. 4

20  Sam'l do. 2

5th family

21  James WHITAKER 28

22  Eliza do. 22

23  Wm do. 2

6th family

24  Edward LAWLESS 30

25  Shona do. 26

26  James do. 13

27  John do. 0¼

7th family

28  Joe MORRIS 45

29  Judith do. 32

30  John do. 13

31  Wm. do. 11

32  Ellen do. 9

33  Marg't do. 7

34  Joseph do. 5

35 Harry do. 3

36 Rich'd do. 1

8th family

37  John KIRBRICK 40

38  Eliza do. 40

39  Marg't do. 17

40  John do. 13

41  Mary do. 11

42  Eliza do. 7

9th family

43  John WRIGHT 30

44  Mary do. 28

45  Wm do. 8

46  John do. 6

47  Marg't do. 3

48  Martha 0¾

10th family

49  William MORRIS [ages of this column obscured in fold]

50  Jane

51  Mary

52  Jane

53  Wm

54  Mich'l

11th family

55  John MORRIS

56  Bess

57  Maria

58  Marg't

12th family

59  James MORRIS

60  Anne

61  Thos.

62  Joe

13th family

63  Thomas TINKLER

64  Alicia

65  Catherine

66  Ellen

67  Thomas

68  Alicia

14th family

69  James COUSINS

70  Sally

71  John

72  Mary

15th family


74  Jane

75  John

76  Sam'l

16th family

77  Rob't FISHER 40

78  Marg't 40

79  Rob't 17

80  Henry 14

81  Mary 13

82  John 11

17th family

83  George BOOTHE 27

84  Anne 24

85  John CARLETON 22

18th family

86  James CARLETON 43

87  Anne 43

88  David 18

89  Jane 13

90  Anne 11

91  Christopher 9

92  James 7

19th family

93  Thomas CARLETON 25

94  Catharine 22

95  James 4

96  John 2

19 families consisting of 55 males and 41 females

Total 96 individuals

  • Hits: 6737