National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 702
Middleton Cheney, near Banbury
12th Aug 1819
Honoured Sir,
For my self and others who wish to become Emigrants to the cape of good hope-- But not being aware of the Provision made for such poor settlers, we therefore beg your Honour will honour us with a copy of the Proposals made to such settlers with the time set for assembling and at what port the embarkation his to take place as we may be in readness and by complying your Honour will confer an obligation to your very obliged
Humble & obedient Servant,
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 730
[note by GOULBURN at top of page: No. 3 Pensioners of Chelsea and Kilmainham hospitals will be allowed to receive their monies in the colony]
[Transcriber's note: for a detailed explanation of pensioners see]
Middleton Cheney
Nr Banbury
Aug 19, 1819
Honoured Sir,
I have the Honour of acknowledging the rec't of the Proposals baring date of the 15th inst. relative to Emigration to the cape of good hope, but I am sorry I am under the Necessity again of apply to you for further information as to the mode Emigrants are to Procure Implements of husbandry, shelter on their arrival, with all necessary articles which will be required in that country, whether the settlers are to take them out themselves or whither government doth provide all those articles for the settlers as may be required. I have also to enquire provide there should be pentioners amongst us whither they continue there pentions on to what time they are alowed to draw there pentions up to as all those are maters of great importance.
Your answer honoured Sir will confer an obligation on Sir
Your very obliged humble & obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 791
Middleton Cheney
Sept14, 1819
Honor'd Sir
Wishing to become an emigrant with oathers of this county, but being under the necessity of apply to my parish for that purpose, butt the being Disiouras [desirous] of knowing what sequarity [security] His given to them before the enter into any agreement with me or with others of my Discription you will confer an obligation no me by transmitting to me your answer specifying the Surquarty if by Act of parliament and by complying you will confer an obligation on Sir
Your very obliged humble & obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 803
Middleton Cheney
nr Banbury
Sept 20 1819
Honoured Sir
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th inst, but am sorry to under the necessity of applying again to you for further information respecting the secquarity given to parishes who send out settlers to prevent them again being chargeable in accont of there return to this country if the lose all right to their former parishes by act of parliament or otherwise.
I also apply for leave for the undermentioned to go out as settlers to the cape of good hope
Names |
Men |
Women |
Children under 14 |
Total |
Henry BURGES & wife |
1 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
Joseph HUMPHRIES & wife |
1 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
Benj'n HUMPHRIES & wife |
1 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
Total |
3 |
3 |
10 |
16 |
Which Sir by complying you will confer an obligation on Sir, your very obliged, humble & obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 881
Middleton Cheney
nr Banbury, Oxon
20th Oct 1819
Honoured Sir
I have the honour to transmit for your inspection a detailed statement of the men women and children which I propose to take under my directions as settlers to the cape of good hope. Also an assurance that we are ready to conform ourselves to all the conditions upon which his majesties government have offered to grant lands in the colony and it will confer an obligation on me by giving me an amediate answer as to the time set for assembling and at what place we are to assemble with the date proposed for embarkation and by complying you will confer an obligation on sir
Your very obliged, humble & obedient servant
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers
Benjamin HUMPHRIES Taken Charge as the Wale [sic] Being selected by Parishes
Names of Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Labourer |
32 |
Cathrine |
28 |
Norman |
10 |
Harriett |
2 |
Sarah |
1 |
Henry BURGES |
Labourer |
39 |
Sarah |
28 |
James |
13 |
Sarah |
4 |
Susanah |
1 |
Frame work knitter |
34 |
Elizabeth |
34 |
William |
12 |
Ann |
11 |
John |
9 |
Elizabeth |
1 |
George |
2 |
Will'm WILDE |
Flax dresser |
38 |
William |
7 |
Elizabeth |
11 |
Robert |
5 |
Ann |
9 |
James NEAL |
Labourer |
36 |
Matthew |
12 |
Prisilla |
13 |
Mary |
10 |
Martha |
8 |
Sarah |
6 |
Alenda |
4 |
Silvesta ARIS |
Labourer |
26 |
Maria |
23 |
Mary |
4 |
Charlote |
2 |
Shoemaker |
24 |
Labourer |
19 |
Thos. CROSS |
Labourer |
25 |
Hanah |
26 |
Thomas |
1 |
Elizabeth |
4 |
Jane |
2 |
John PRATT |
Labourer |
30 |
Fanny |
32 |
William |
3 |
Mary Ann |
5 |
Frances |
1 |
Thos. LAMB |
Labourer |
45 |
Hannah |
40 |
James |
9 |
Susanah |
15 |
Peter |
7 |
Roseanah |
5 |
Richard |
1 |
William JARVIS |
Labourer |
29 |
Litticha |
25 |
Sarah |
6 |
Mary |
5 |
Boat builder |
35 |
Martha |
35 |
William |
9 |
Ann |
4 |
Elijah |
7 |
Samuel |
1 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 883
Middleton Cheney
21st October 1819
My Lord,
The humble petition of Benjamin HUMPHRIES ,late Serj't of the 2nd Batt 30th Regt. Foot and Joseph HUMPHRIES of the 7th Do. humbly sheweth your Lordship that your humble Petitioners being very Disiourious [desirous] of becoming settlers at the cape of good hope having made Applications for that purpose but to none effect and being under great Distress, having no Employment nor see any hopes of having any for some time to come, Having wifes & famileys with no means of suporting them by Honest Endevors, therefore your humble petitioners crave your Lordships assistance in getting us leave to go out as settlers to the cape of good hopes and further that we are willing to bear Arms in Defence of His Majestys colony against those Dangers which may asalt and hurt the progress of that part of His Majestys Foring [foreign] Possession – and we further add for your Lordships Information that we have the means of paying the Deposit which his required of those persons going out to that colony being proferd those means by our parishes with a further sum adequet for that purpose and by complying my Lord you will confer an obligation on your humble petitioners and they find themselves in duty bound to pray
Names |
Trade or Profession |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Labourer |
32 |
Cathrine |
28 |
Norman |
10 |
Harriett |
2 |
Sarah |
1 |
Henry BURGES |
Labourer |
39 |
Sarah |
28 |
Sarah |
4 |
Susanah |
1 |
Frame W Knitter |
34 |
Elizabeth |
34 |
William |
12 |
Ann |
11 |
John |
9 |
Elizabeth |
1 |
George |
2 |
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