LISSAN, George et al
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 247
July 19th 1819
I take the liberty of writing these few lines to you concerning the Cape of Good Hope as i was allways inclined to go abroad and while a opertunity presents itself i am willing to imbrace it with your permission, there are two others which are inclined to go as well as myself as work is scarce and there is nothing to induce us to stop in England and are willing to work and live in any part of his Majestys dominings. As we live near each other if no objection one leter will do for three
George LISSAN at M. ANGUS coachmakers Brompton Row
Joseph COLLARD No.23 Queen Gardens Knightsbridge
Thomas MAYER No.10 Queen Gardens Knightsbridge
It might be your desire to know our age, we were all born in the year 181 [sic 1801?]
Your answer will oblige Sir
Your humble servants
Thomas MAYER
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