LOVE, Thomas George
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 297
No. 8 King's Road
August 2 1819
I am inform'd that the regular mode of applying for a circular relative to the New Colony, about to be establish'd at the Cape of Good Hope, is to address you - may I intreat the favor of you to inclose me one, as I wish to take advantage of the proposals offered by the Government.
I have the honour to remain
Sir your most obed't humble servant
Thomas George LOVE
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 332
Belgrave Place
No. 11 - Pimlico
August 11th 1819
It is in my power to take out in the proposed emigration to Africa ten able bodied men under the terms offered by the Government. The honor of a reply will greatly oblige
Sir your most obed't humble servant
Thomas George LOVE
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 341
No. 11 Belgrave Place
August 14th 1819
I was favoured with yours of the 12th instant in which I am requested to state, distinctly, for the consideration of Earl Bathurst, the number & description of persons I can take with me to the Cape of Good Hope. In answer I have to observe, that it is my intention, to take fourteen individuals, their occupations &c as follows:
6 farming labourers
2 carpenters
1 shoemaker
1 journeyman blacksmith
1 Mason
3 men of general work
Of the above fourteen persons, nine are married, their families do not exceed two children (under fourteen).
In the event of my application meeting with favorable attention, perhaps Sir it may not be... [the rest of this page does not appear in the photograph]... myself to the utmost, in order to fulfil the benevolent intentions of the Government, in the proposed Emigration.
I have the honor to remain
Sir your most obed't humble serv't
Thomas George LOVE
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 359
No. 11 Belgrave Place, Pimlico
August 23rd 1819
Annex'd (according to your desire) I have given a detailed statement of the persons I wish to take with me to the Cape of Good Hope. If I may be allowed a judgement, they are individuals that I think will benefit the colony; & should they met with the approbation of Earl Bathurst every energy of mine shall be exerted to promote the desirable objects in view.
I have the honor to remain, Sir
Your most obed't humble serv't
Thomas George LOVE
PS I wrote originally for fourteen persons - four have since declined.
[AGE] |
Thomas George LOVE |
No 11 Belgrave Place Pimlico |
30 |
Anne Mandeville LOVE |
his wife |
25 |
George FROST |
servant |
16 |
1 |
Thomas BECKETT |
No 13 Clifton St Finsbury Square |
Farmer |
28 |
2 |
Thomas NEILL |
Mr KNIGHTS King's Road Chelsea |
Gardener |
38 |
3 |
Michael PLOWMAN |
No 5 Glocester Place Commercial Road |
Carpenter |
39 |
Isabella |
wife |
37 |
4 |
John BAKER |
No 8 New Cut Lambeth |
Bricklayer |
26 |
wife |
21 |
Charles BAKER |
1 |
5 |
Thomas HOMES |
No 5 Lambeth Hill Doctors Commons |
General workman |
26 |
Elizabeth |
Wife |
25 |
Martha |
2 |
6 |
No 5 North St Sloane Street |
Farmer |
29 |
Joanna |
Wife |
29 |
James |
1 |
7 |
Richard NORTH |
No 22 James St Lisson Grove |
Farmer |
27 |
Rachel |
Wife |
24 |
Richard |
4 |
8 |
John STILL |
No 5 Doughty Mans Guildford Street |
Carpenter |
26 |
Mary |
Wife |
25 |
Matilda |
3 |
Jane |
1 |
9 |
Joshua WELCH |
No 18 Nottingham Place Commercial Road |
Road Smith |
30 |
Mary |
Wife |
28 |
Benjamin |
7 |
Dorothy |
5 |
Charles |
2 |
10 |
No 78 Paul St Finsbury Square |
Farmer |
37 |
Sarah |
Wife |
30 |
George |
5 |
Sarah |
3 |
Comprising |
11 men |
9 women |
12 children |
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