MARSHALL, John, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 618
Layton Stone
Aug 23 1919
Hon. Sir
As I have lately seen a pamflet entitled a guide to the Cape of Good Hope, I wish to be a Settler in that Colony as an ocipyer of land. I have it in my power to give Government the deposit required for 10 men and I do not doubt of being able to procure the quantaty by the thim [time] specified for the departure from this country which I think is in November.
I should be glad to know wether the government intends takin out aney kind of stores of Provition to be purchest [purchased] at the settlement at the first arrival. Likewise wether their will bee macanicks [mechanics] of different descriptions to assist in the necery [necessary] business of buiding [building] huts and different convenancies [*conveniences] that will be nesery in a new sattement. Likewise wether the government intends to take out anney [*any] quantity of farming utentials that may be purchased when at the intended sitivation [situation] and wether the land is to be the property of the person that takes out the 10 men or wether thay clame aney share of the land on arrival. Or wether government have aney objection to the person agreeing with the party so taken out to work[ing] for the party that takes them out for a giving [given] number of years.
Or Sir should you have any plan for the generanl management of the colony. I should very much obligid to you for aney information you may have it in your power to comm[unicate] or if you should wish me to personally appear, I am within 5 miles of London and can with ease attend on you at aney time my presence should be required – Sir I have furthermore [to] state that I have been all my life employed as a coultyvatur [cultivator] of land in this country. I consider my selfe to have some knowledge of agricoulture as practiced in this country.
Your Answer will very much oblige.
Your most Obedient & very Humble servant
PS John MARSHALL at Mr HILLS Nursery man? Layton Stone
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 721
c/o Mr HILLS
Layton Stone
4 Oct 1819
Sir ,
Having read the circular, dated the 24th of August containing the particulars nesissery to be understood by those wishing to emmegrant to the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leafe to offer my self as being fully prepard with the necessary means and heaving selected a party consisting of different mekannics [mechanics] as well as Farmer & Gardener – should presume there can be no objection to the party proceeding under my derection and now only waiting for the necessary order from the government being read[y] to accede to all terms concerned in the circulars, an early answer will much oblige.
Sir your most Obedient Servant,
PS names and ages of the party will be sent if nessary on the resiept of an answer.
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