National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 545
Burlington Arcade
30th July 1819
My Lord,
Although an entire stranger to your Lordship you will I trust pardon the liberty I am taking in requesting your Lordship to favor me with an interview, when you can spare a few moments from your important avocation. I am, my Lord, a London bookseller, and have been engaged in that business upwards of twelve years, during which I have published some of the most respectable works that have appeared – my industry and integrity have never been questioned but my success has not kept pace with them & I find myself at the age of thirty five in a worse situation than when I commenced business. The sole object of my interview with your Lordship is to engage your Lordship's interest in forwarding my views with respect to the intended new Colony at the Cape of Good Hope, to which place I have made up my mind to go if I can so arrange it, although I love my country with feelings bordering on enthusiasm. I have a wife and child who will accompany me if practicable but all must depend on the advice I receive from your Lordship with which I hope I shall be favoured, if not at least that your Lordship will pardon this trouble & believe me with the most entire respect
Your Lordship's obed't humble serv't
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