MILLS, George re Samuel HICKS
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 560/561
[Transcriber's Note: The following letter is in three parts. From the context, it seems the first letter was addressed to Earl BATHURST, written by George MILLS on behalf of Samuel HICKS. The second was addressed to Henry GOULBURN, and the third section appears to be GOULBURN's response to MILLS's second letter.]
No. 39 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Place
August 5th 1819
My Lord
A most deserving young man, Mr Samuel HICKS, who can produce, from the late Governor WOODLEY'S family Mr DONGAN, Receiver of his Majesty's Droits at Halifax Admiral Sir Alexander COCHRANE, Mr Charles MILLS, one of the West India Commissioners, and various other most respectable persons, the highest testimonials of his integrity and good conduct, has earnestly requested me to submit the enclosed, which, though I have not the honour of a personal acquaintance with your Lordship, my perfect knowledge of your goodness and indulgence, induces me to hope will not be considered as intrusive or importunate.
I can from my own knowledge, of full twenty years, assure your Lordship, that a more industrious or excellent character exists not than Mr Samuel HICKS whose anxiety to support a wife and a large family urges him to present the enclosed memorial, which with great respect, I have taken the liberty to [embrace/inscribe].
I have the honour to be, my lord
Your Lordship's most obedient and very humble servant
George MILLS
No. 39 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Place
August 5th 1819
Mr MILLS presents his compliments to Mr GOULBURN, and takes the liberty of giving these few words to Mr Samuel HICKS (for which he has to offer a thousand excuses) a person in whom Mr MILLS interests himself very much and who is desirous of going out, with his family, to the Cape of Good Hope. He trusts that Lord BATHURST would, on the inspection of the high testimonials, of which he is the bearer, be graciously pleased to attach him to some civil Department in the colony, the emoluments of which would enable him to maintain his wife and children with the colonial post (that he hopes to obtain,) can present him with the means of so doing. Mr HICKS has written to Lord BATHURST, and Mr MILLS has taken the liberty of enclosing this letter, in one from himself, to his Lordship, desiring Mr HICKS to submit then, in the first instance, to Mr GOULBURN, to whom in reiterating his excuses, Mr MILLS has the honor to offer the assurances of his very high, and most distinguished consideration.
[In GOULBURN's hand]
My compl's to Mr MILLS & to acquaint him that I have caused Mr HICKS to be furnished with a copy of the conditions upon which encouragement is given to settlers to the Cape, but that I cannot hold out any expectation of it being in Lord Bs power to confer any civil employment there upon Mr HICKS or to extend to him as a settler any peculiar advantages not allowed to other persons proceeding to the colony.
- Hits: 7050