National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 480
16th July 1819
My Lord,
Observing a grant by the House of Commons of £50,000 to enable the setting up of a certain number of the labouring classes at the Cape of Good Hope, may I take the liberty of requesting the favour of your informing me what means are to be taken for the fulfillment of the scheme and what are the enducements held out to settlers.
If his Majesty's government chuse to avail themselves of my services in this affair as to Scotland I shall cheerfully undertake the same. I leave any remuneration for the same to your Lordship, at the same time I shall produce security for the proper management & fulfillment of whatever may be entrusted.
I shall at all events be obliged by the information contained in your return to this, required in the first clause of this letter
I remain with the greatest respect my Lord
Your Lordship's humble and very obed't serv't
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