National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 557
30 Thornhaugh Street
Bedford Sq
4th Aug 1819
With reference to the circular announcing Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope, permit me to solicit the favor of an answer to the following enquiries, or such other information as you may deem necessary on the subject, viz: on what particular part of the coast is it intended to make these settlements? Is it permitted to the settler to make his Election as to any particular lot assigned to Ten Persons according to priority of application or will he be confined to take that assigned to him whether good or bad? Does Government furnish any implements of husbandry or allow materials for building from the stores? If not will these be allowed to be taken freight free from this country? Is there any particular sum which Government requires the individual taking our Ten Persons to be possessed of and if so what is the amount of that sum? Will any temporary advance out of the sum voted by Parliament be made to the settler to enable him to carry forward his improvements or is any other encouragement beside a free passage held out by Government? Are there any Government taxes, imposts or duties payable by the settler on account of the location? Should more than ten able men be taken out by the settler in what manner will the grant be then made? What security has the settler that Government will not resume the grant when it may think proper to [obscured]. What number of domestics will the individual taking out these settlers be permitted to take on the passage free in his own family? Will Government make any pecuniary advance on proper security being given to the settler to going out?
To these enquiries I shall feel obliged to your Sir for an answer and have the honor to be Sir
Your most obed't hum serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 673
6th Sept 1819
Permit me with reference to the Government circular encouraging settlers at the Cape of Good Hope to request of you to inform me whether the following proposal in conformity with the offer of his Majesty's Government will be accepted, viz: to take out ten settlers such as are described in the circular (able bodied men) & to make the deposit of £100 as also prescribed by the circular for the same.
The above will consist of 7 husbandmen, a carpenter, blacksmith & brickmaker, all men of good character & of sober & industrious habits but from the pressure of the times not enabled to give full scope to their exertions in this country at present.
I shall also be obliged to you Sir to say whether if an addition is made to this number & the required sum of £10 per head deposited the increased number will be admitted.
It will not be convenient for me to be in Town before the middle of October next when if I am informed by an early post of the offer being accepted I will wait upon the proper authority with a list of the names & residence of the individuals & make the required deposit.
I have the honor to be your most obed't hum serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 717
4th October 1819
Permit me to lay before you for the inspection of Earl BATHURST the list as per the other side of persons whom I propose to take out as settlers at the Cape of Good Hope in conformity to the conditions expressed in the first circular issued by his Majesty's Government & which is the only one I have seen or am aware of & to which I am ready to conform when called upon to do so. I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obed't hum serv't
Name of Person taking out the Settlers:
William MORRISON, by education an Agriculturalist & Miner but now engaged in any Concern or Trade
Names of Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Carpenter |
40 |
John |
11 |
Thomas JONES |
Blacksmith |
30 |
Mary |
25 |
Mary |
5 |
James HERN |
Brickmaker |
35 |
Jane |
34 |
James |
12 |
Jane |
9 |
Thomas JAMES |
Bricklayer |
37 |
Mary |
34 |
Thomas/Henry |
13/12 |
Henry BROWN |
Husbandman |
30 |
Alice |
John YOUNG |
Do. |
25 |
Jane |
21 |
Do. |
24 |
Do |
38 |
Mary |
John |
13 |
Mary |
16 |
Wm. HALE |
Do. |
22 |
Elizabeth BRIER |
Housekeeper to WM |
2 boys under 14 |
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