National Archives, Kew CO48/44
July 15th 1819
Seeing that Government is about to do something to encourage going out to the Cape of Good Hope, you will Sir much oblige in giving me some information relative thereto. I did about three years ago make application respecting going to Canada but had no encouragement. I hope and trust you will notice this and consider me an applicant which will much oblige Sir
Your most ob't hbl sev't
NB You will please to direct for me to be left at the Post Office, Birmingham
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 816
6 Hill Street
I wrote some few days past requesting to be favor'd with particulars relative to going out as a settler to the Cape – have to observe that I am very well informed concerning every branch of agriculture &c and have a wife and two children. I have seen in the Courrier a Letter said to be a circular from Downing Street wherein it says that 10 men or families must be taken out together and not less – you will Sir very much oblige by saying in answer wether I should not be permitted to go out by paying down the sum propos'd and proveing myself competent in every thing else required.
I am Sir your mo ob hb st
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