PORCAS, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 8
30 Walbrook
14 July 1819
In consequence of having the Chancellor of the Exchequer remark as to persons wishing to go to the Cape of Good Hope I beg leave to state to you that I should have no objection provided I saw my prospects any way beneficial. I was the person who supplied Government with the compound Horse Forrage for the use of Cavalry thro' serving in Spain & Portugal. But circumstances was my ruin. I am known to Sir Henry TORRENS & I dare say would speak for my interest.
I have a wife and six small children and myself out of employment. I have also a friend of mine that would have no objection to go should there be a chance of his doing well. He has a wife & five children. His name is William LIFFORD formerly a very respectable ropemaker in Shadwell.
Your answer will ever oblige
Yours respectfully to command
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