PEARCE, Robert
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 362
Sheet near Petersfield, Hants
November 1st 1819
My Lord
Having understood His Majesty's Government is providing Passages for Emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope.
I have to acquaint your Lordship should that be the case, I would be much obliged if you would allow me to be made acquainted with the regular mode of application and if there is any prospects held out for seafaring people. I have a large family and been brought up has Master/Mate in the Brit India trade been 5 years in that of the East Indias, & several times at the Cape of Good Hope. Should I be able to get a passage for my selfe (only) that I might be able to better their conditions who feels much of the effects of the badness of the times. By my being able to get out, it may be the means of gaining their better conditions, I dont fear of gaining some employment their, and with an order from Government I could work my passage out it being out of my power to pay for my passage. An answer will much oblige my Lord
Your Lordships most obdt humble srvt
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