National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 21
75 Paradise Street
July 20th 1819
To the Rt Hon'ble Lord SIDMOUTH
My Lord
I hope your Lordship will pardon the presumption of an individual who has thus presumed to address you. Having been informed through the channel of the Newspapers that land will be granted to individuals who may wish to emigrate to the Cape of good Hope, I have taken this liberty which nothing but a consciousness of your Lordship's Pardon would have induced me to do. My Lord I have been brought up to agriculture the major part of my life and have not the least doubt of being very comfortable in the situation which it shall please your Lordship to nominate for me.
My Lord give me leave to solicit an answer it would give me the most heartfelt satisfaction in thinking that I should obtain a decent livelihood (through your Lordship's goodness) & likewise in assisting my aged parents. My Lord I sincerely hope your L'dship will pardon this presumption and allow me to subscribe myself your L'dship's
very humble serv't
N. B. My Lord it is my particular wish to go as soon as is convenient to your Lordship to the Cape of good Hope. I only wait for your Lordship's information.
- Hits: 5523