National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 288
Oct 3 1819
My Dear Sir,
You will very much oblige me if you will have the goodness to ask for me a permission for a gentleman and his wife to go out as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, which I am told is now permitted. The person for whom I am anxious to obtain this favour is well connected and will be able to procure some assistance from friends – of course he must have some imprudence to answer for or he would not be seeking such an object. In many respects your honour he is much an object of compassion. It is a case in which I feel very much interested indeed. If there are any printed instructions which can give me information as to the steps necessary to be taken in case the permission is granted will you be so good as to inclose one to me.
Believe me always
Very truly yours
At Henry SYMONS Esq
Hanford nr Blandford
- Hits: 5702