PREECE, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 417
No.10 Lumber Court
Seven Dials
3 Dec 1819
My Lord,
I have taken the liberty of writing to your Lordship on the subject of immigrating to the Cape of Good Hope & should feel greatly obliged by your informing me whither the colony is to be landed at Cape Town or at Algoa Bay in order that I may form an opinion regarding what implements should be taken out from here. I would likewise wish to ask whither or not it would be requisite to apply to you for a grant of land or to the Landrost at the Colony, but the most particular question I wish to ask is this. We are a small Party brought up to Agricultural Pursuits but having but a small capital should be glad to know if Government would grant us a free passage over with the others that are going, if not whither a passage would be granted to us by depositing £10 pounds for each family in the hands of Government and whither that money would be returned to us (as to a single individual taking out a number) by installments as specified in your circular, as also the latest time ships will sail the favour of an immediate answer will greatly oblige
Your Lordship's most obed't humble serv't
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