National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 512
No.55 Great Titchfield Street
Mary le Bone
6th August 1819
Been informed that it is the intention of Government to establish the colony at Algoa Bay where on this subject applications to be made to you Sir! I take the liberty of informing you that having wife and four children it is my intention to go as a settler to that country under the protection of Government and my wish is to go out at first myself, leaving wife and children in England until I could provide comfortable establishment for the reception of my family, if my request meet with attention! I beg the favor of you Sir! to furnish me with particulars of the said colony.
I have the honor to be Sir!
Your most obedient humble servant
Late Captain of His Majesty's Service, 3rd Independent Company of Foreigners
PS If wanted to establish the school in the colony from the Government expences I beg to observe that my wife is capable to conduct the school in the highest methods, been late Mrs. Elizabeth HELME's daughter and brought up to that profession and be very happy to accept similar situation under Government's protection.
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