National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 466
60 White Cross St
26th July 1819
On behalf of myself and several other persons wishing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, I have to ask the favor of an explanation to the following queries.
Whether the several parties whose proposals may be received by Government are to be settled in different parts of the country or as near to each other as circumstances or the regulations mentioned in the circular will permit and what part of the country is fixed upon for their reception, whether in the interior or on the coast, whether any & what protection will be afforded them against the incursions of the natives & if they are to be furnished with arms for their defence & if they are to receive any tools or agricultural instruments with other necessaries for cultivation and whether upon their arrival and having the land apportioned to them they are then to do the best they can for themselves, without having a provision made for their subsistence until the produce of the land will enable them to support their families, independent of the ten pounds deposited before their departure. And whether they are to be subject to the controul of the person engaging with the Government of this country on their behalf when settled at the Cape, or to be subject only to the civil power, and if subject to the controul of such person as above mentioned, in what way, and lastly whether any other qualifications are required than youth, health & strength.
I am Sir with the utmost respect
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 563
60 White Cross Street
24th August 1819
I beg leave to hand you the enclosed statement of persons wishing to avail themselves of the offer of Government, for whom I hereby undertake to enter into any arrangement with the Government that may be required of the persons having the direction of at least ten families pursuant to the terms of the circular. I am also directed by the persons so enumerated to state to you that (if required) they are individually ready to enter into any arrangement & otherwise conform to all the conditions that Government may in its judgement require of them.
I have the honor to be Sir with the utmost respect
Your most obed't humble serv't
The number of families I propose taking out are 31, as you will observe by reference to the statement, amongst whom are several families who have more than two children, and the number of such children are 11. The total number of souls altogether are 87.
Names of persons on whose behalf the within application is made |
Age |
Profession |
Number of children under 14 years of age |
No. of children above 14 & under 18 |
1 |
21 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
2 |
George STOKES |
23 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
3 |
John BELL |
29 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
4 |
William WARBURTON & |
31 |
Smith |
Thomas Tye WARBURTON 13 |
None |
29 |
5 |
John PURDY & |
33 |
Smith |
John PURDY aged 9 & |
None |
Priscilla PURDY |
28 |
Thomas PURDY 7 |
6 |
George FEW & |
29 |
Husbandman |
Barcelissa FEW aged 3 & |
None |
Esther FEW |
26 |
Charlotte FEW 2 |
7 |
Gilbert HAYES & |
22 |
Husbandman |
Eliza HAYES aged 2 |
None |
Elizabeth HAYES |
22 |
8 |
Benjamin MATTHEWS |
25 |
Weaver |
None |
None |
9 |
John FRITH & |
28 |
Carpenter |
John FRITH aged 1 year |
None |
Mary FRITH |
28 |
10 |
William BROWN |
20 |
Warehouseman |
None |
None |
11 |
Thomas THRIFT & |
36 |
Husbandman |
William THRIFT 3 years |
None |
Harriott THRIFT |
26 |
12 |
Charles BROCKLESBY & |
40 |
Mariner |
Mary Ann BROCKLESBY 9 yrs |
None |
30 |
Charles BROCKLESBY 7 years |
Henry BROCKLESBY 5 years |
Frederick 3 months |
13 |
John Yoeman COOKE & |
33 |
Husbandman |
John Yoeman COOKE 8 yrs |
None |
Mary Ann COOKE |
33 |
Caroline COOKE 5 years |
Mary Ann 2 years |
14 |
38 |
Mariner |
None |
None |
15 |
William BARBER & |
30 |
Carpenter |
Caroline BARBER 6 years |
None |
Susan BARBER |
29 |
William BARBER 1 year |
16 |
Thomas HUGHES |
30 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
17 |
Thomas GREEN |
30 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
18 |
James POWELL |
30 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
19 |
27 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
26 |
20 |
John SCOTT & |
39 |
Shipwright & |
Eliza SCOTT 9 years |
None |
Frances SCOTT |
39 |
Joiner |
Edmund SCOTT 7 years |
Henry SCOTT 5 years |
Emma SCOTT 9 months |
21 |
Philip ERNST |
23 |
Cabinet Maker |
None |
None |
22 |
Samuel DRAKE & |
25 |
Husbandman |
Susan DRAKE 2 years & |
None |
Martha DRAKE |
24 |
Charles DRAKE 8 months |
23 |
Joseph EDWARDS & |
30 |
Husbandman |
None |
None |
28 |
24 |
Thomas GEORGE & |
32 |
Thomas GEORGE 7 years & |
None |
29 |
Husbandman |
Mary GEORGE 6 |
25 |
Robert SILVER |
22 |
Shoemaker |
26 |
James RODWAY & |
34 |
Husbandman |
Mary RODWAY 13 years |
None |
30 |
Susan RODWAY 9 years |
Ann RODWAY 4 years |
Elizabeth 2 years |
William 11 years |
James 7 years |
George 3 years |
27 |
19 |
Smith |
None |
None |
28 |
Edward JONES & |
36 |
Husbandman |
Charlotte JONES 12 years |
William JONES 15 yrs |
Charlotte JONES |
32 |
Henry JONES 10 years |
29 |
Joseph ROBERTS & |
33 |
Printer |
Clara ROBERTS 6 months |
James KEIGHLY 16 yrs |
Elizabeth ROBERTS |
33 |
30 |
John ROBERTS & |
23 |
None |
None |
Mary Ann ROBERTS |
22 |
31 |
George MITCHELL & |
25 |
Labourer |
None |
None |
24 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 590
60 White Cross Street
1st Sept 1819
I have to acknowledge receipt of your answer to my letter of the 25th ult and am directed by one or two of the persons named in the statement to state to you that they have cocerns to wind up and business to settle which will take some time compleating. I shall therefore feel obliged by as early an answer as possible stating whether the proposal is accepted or not, as otherwise it might materially affect their interests, & to know if the statement already submitted was sufficient as any delay on that account might prove equally prejudicial.
Apologising for this extra trouble, I remain with the utmost respect Sir
Your very obed't serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 617
60 White Cross Street
7th Oct 1819
In again troubling you on behalf of the party for whom I applied on the 25th August last, and to which I received your answer on the 30th ult, I beg leave to state that the persons included in the statement handed to you as above were selected as intelligent and eligible individuals who met frequently for the purpose of devising and arranging such plans as were deemed most likely to aid their prospects and forward their views at the place of destination for mutual advantage.
In consequence of their arrangements and a reliance upon their eligibility, several have actually disposed of their businesses and made preparations for their departure. Under these circumstances, therefore, and that they may not suffer to the extent of these disadvantages I shall feel obliged by your informing me whether upon the present number being augmented, & chartering & victualling a vessel for their conveyance at their own expence, a grant of land will be made to them by His Majesty's Government upon the same terms as specified in the circular.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most ob't hbl svt
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 652
2 Baynes Row
Cold Bath Square
8th November 1819
Inclosed I beg leave to hand you a copy of an agreement (that has bee prepared for and approved of by a respectable Society wishing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope) for the consideration of Earl BATHURST.
The Society already consists of twenty five families with a capital of about £5000, which it is intended to increase in the same proportion of capital as near as possible. But previous to increasing the numbers, or chartering a vessel for conveyance, it is a material object to know whether his Lordship will grant land upon the conditions stated in the agreement, & if not whether in any other and what way.
Should the general tenor of the agreement meet the approbation of his Lordship I will, as soon as the number that is proposed to extend this Society to is compleated, forward a regular statement comprehending the necessary particulars. Requesting the favor of an early answer
I remain Sir with the utmost respect
Your very ob't serv't
654 Articles of Agreement
Articles of Agreement had made concluded and agreed upon this ___ day of ___ in the sixtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord george the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord 1819 between John ROBERTS of Baynes Row in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman of the one part and the several persons who have subscribed their names hereto of the other part.
Whereas the said John ROBERTS having applied to the Government of Great Britain for a grant of land at the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope in consideration of his taking out a certain number of individuals and families and locating them there and undertaking to provide for them or see that they are properly provided for, and whereas His Majesty's Government for the considerations above mentioned have granted a portion of land to him the said John ROBERTS in the said Colony at the rate of 100 acres for every able bodied individual above 18 years of age or head of a family whom he shall so take out and shall actually locate upon the land granted to him as aforesaid, and whereas the said several persons parties hereto of the second part have to and with the said John ROBERTS to proceed with him to the said Colony of the Cape of Good Hope for the purposes herein mentioned at his and their own expence, and whereas at a meeting of the said several persons parties hereto a Committee was appointed to conduct jointly with the said John ROBERTS the business of the said several persons parties hereto of the second part until the said parties shall have landed at the aforesaid Colony, when a general consultation shall be forthwith held, with the whole of the said parties hereto and twelve Directors chosen to act with the said John ROBERTS in the general affairs of the said parties hereto as is hereinafter particularly mentioned, and whereas for the purposes of adopting the best means for carrying the same into execution in the way that will be most beneficial to all the parties hereto, It is hereby mutually and reciprocally agreed by and between all the parties to these presents as follows.
That all the said parties to these presents shall for themselves and their dependents subscribe and pay properly such a sum as the said Committee shall deem necessary for establishing a fund for chartering and victualling a vessel for the purpose of conveying the parties hereto to the place of destination for the purchase of such a stock of agricultural implements and other tools and likewise a library as the Committee may find necessary such implements & tools & the library to be considered as one common property for the use benefit and advantage of each and every of the parties hereto their wives and children.
That he the said John ROBERTS his heirs executors and administrators shall and will as soon as he shall obtain possession of the said land and have a title thereto will effectually assign and convey unto each and every of the said several persons parties hereto of the second part their heirs executors or administrators an allotment thereof equal to the admeasurement of 90 acres subject to a proportionable share of the quit rent & all other taxes or charges already imposed thereon or to be imposed hereafter by the present or any future government of the said Colony.
That for the protection and advantage of all the parties hereto a proportion of the said several allotments so to be made as aforesaid to the said several persons parties hereto of the second part shall be [laid?] out in such towns or villages under the management and as the Director hereinafter named shall think fit and proper & as the situation shall admit the remaining proportion to be laid out farms and plantations in the immediate vicinity of such towns or villages that in each of such towns or villages shall be erected a place of public worship (if required by distance) a hall in which shall be conducted the public affairs a library & such mills as shall be found necessary for public use & an area of at least 15 acres for a market place to be erected upon the ground reserved to the said John ROBERTS.
That the affairs of such towns or villages shall be regulated and conducted by 12 Directors to be chosen annually by ballot and the said John ROBERTS as Chairman such Directors to be chosen immediately upon landing & to be persons whose abilities & judgement are presumed to be competent to the task of managing the same in a due and proper manner & that the right of appeal from any of the penalties hereinafter mentioned shall be by petition to the said Directors and Chairman who shall have full power to inflict any fines or penalties not herein particularly mentioned and shall and may mitigate such fines & penalties as in their discretion they shall think fit & reasonable.
That the said parties to these presents shall and will mutually assist each other to the utmost of his and their endeavour in building a cottage of equal dimensions & in clearing & enclosing with folds for the protection of cattle five acres of land for each of the persons parties hereto And further in the digging of such wells and forming of such aqueducts for supplying water for the convenience and comfort of all the parties hereto & in erecting and building all and every the public buildings mentioned in the 3rd article and the erection of all which public buildings to be conducted by the said Directors and for them to nominate classes & a competent person to direct each class in such employment as they may be most competent to until all the conditions of this article shall be fulfilled and in case of neglect or refusal of any or either of the said parties to these presents to comply in every respect to the conditions contained in this article the person or persons so neglecting refusing or not conforming himself or themselves to the strict observance hereof shall be summoned before the said Directors to account for his or their conduct in that respect & if after a proper reprimand from the said Directors he or they shall still persist in neglecting or refusing or non compliance with this article such person or persons so offending shall be fined in the sum of £10 sterling or a sum equivalent to that in currency of the colony and also be deprived of the use of the public stock of implements & tools & the library and also of the services or assistance of any person or persons parties hereto in any way whatsoever & any person or persons who shall be found to aid or assist such offender or offenders he or they so found aiding or assisting shall be subject to the penalty of £5 or an equal sum in the currency of the colony And further that should any person or persons fined in any of the above penalties not possess the means of discharging the same then and in that case such a part of the grant or grants of land made to such party or parties as shall be adjudged by the decision of a jury of 12 persons & a foreman (to be chosen from among the parties to these presents) to be forfeit such penalties or forfeitures to become the property of the said Chairman & Directors for the time being to be held by them in trust for the joint benefit & advantage of all the parties hereto and so in like manner on incurring any other penalty mentioned in this agreement or any other not particularly provided for.
That none of the parties to these presents shall be allowed to retail spirituous liquors any way whatever within the limits of the grant made to the said John ROBERTS and that every person found retailing spirituous liquors contrary to this article shall be subject to the penalty of £50 & forfeiture of such liquors And further that should any of the said parties to these presents by intemperance or otherwise deprive the other persons parties hereto of his services or in any way disturb the public tranquility the parties so offending shall be fined the sum of £5 for every such offence.
That no person or persons parties hereto shall be permitted to purchase any slave or slaves nor be in any way concerned in the slavery of a fellow creature under a penalty in three times the value of every such slave & liberation of the suffering object.
That for the protection of our families and property all the persons hereto shall submit to military duty one hour every day for the first month and after that period as often as may be deemed necessary under the directions of a proper person to be chosen for that purpose.
Provided always that no part of this agreement shall be binding on any of the said parties hereto any further or otherwise than they are consistent with the existing laws for the time being of the said Colony
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 664
60 White Cross Street
30th Nov 1819
I beg leave to submit for the consideration of Earl BATHURST the enclosed list of persons willing to emigrate under my direction to the colony of the Cape of Good Hope at their own expence, should his Lordship upon his own deliberation think it adviseable to grant land upon the same terms as to the other settlers now proceeding to that colony.
The party take with them a capital of £3000 & propose to assist each other mutually until each shall be in a situation to provide for his family, and to conform themselves to all proper regulations for their future guidance.
As soon as his Lordships determination shall be known suitable arrangements will be made to proceed in a vessel that will sail in a few days.
I further beg to add that should these proposals meet the approbation of His Lordship I am ready to enter into any arrangements his Lordship may require on behalf of myself and the persons proceeding under my direction.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your very obed't serv't
[Note from GOULBURN]
Give him a letter to the Gov'r for a grant of land proportioned to his means of cultivation & acquaint him
25 Bedford Row
Tuesday 30th Nov 1819
Dear Sir,
The bearer of this letter Mr. John ROBERTS is desirous of availing himself of the offer which has been made on the part of Government to facilitate and encourage emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. He is the leader of a band of 20 persons who have a capital of £3000 at command & he has applied to me to give that testimony to his personal respectability which I own I should more willingly do for any other purpose than that of his quitting England as I think his connections situation & general merit are such as would ensure him success in life without going so far to seek it – but as a spirit of adventure induces him to apply to your office & to wish me to give whatever effect to his application any recommendation from me may afford I may confidently say that no person has applied with motives more commendable & I should think very few who could be more likely to forward the prospects of the individuals with whom he has engaged & to answer the ends of Government as far as I apprehend them.
I remain your ob. Faithful serv't
Names of Settlers |
Age |
Profession |
Names of Females |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
22 |
Agriculturalist |
John KING |
28 |
Do. & Grazier |
Caroline KING |
25 |
Caroline KING |
1 |
Gavin HOGG |
31 |
Agriculturalist |
Samuel DRAKE |
26 |
Do. |
Martha DRAKE |
24 |
Charles DRAKE |
1 |
Susan DRAKE |
5 |
William HARRIS |
34 |
Do. |
William HARRIS |
14 |
Charlotte HARRIS |
13 |
36 |
Do. |
Elizabeth HARDING |
31 |
1 |
Henry HILL |
24 |
Planter |
William WALTERS |
20 |
Agriculturalist |
Thomas WALTERS |
24 |
Agricultural |
Implement Maker |
27 |
Surgeon |
Frederick CAMPBELL |
22 |
Smith |
30 |
Do. |
Philip ERNST |
23 |
Carpenter |
John BAKER |
22 |
Do. |
26 |
Do. |
Charles STAFFORD |
28 |
Do. |
Abraham BROWN |
2 |
John BROWN |
25 |
Tanner |
22 |
James BROWN |
6m |
Robert COOKE |
30 |
Mason |
Mary COOKE |
24 |
Henry COOKE |
10 |
23 |
Shoemaker |
24 |
Planter |
Mary Ann ROBERTS |
23 |
Mary Ann ROBERTS |
Under 12m |
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