National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 480
29 Mornington Place
Hampstead Road
27 July 1819
I should feel obliged by your informing me in what manner I am to apply for a grant of land at the Cape, if it will be absolutely necessary for me to take out ten familys, or having a large family myself if I could purchase a tract of land and at what price.
It is my intention to take out some familys but am not certain as to the number. The favor of an answer would greatly oblige
Sir, your hbl st
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 505
29 Mornington Place
Hampstead Road
Aug 5 1819
I was favored with yours in answer to my letter of the 27th July referring me to the circular which I have seen and approve.
I should feel oblidged by your informing me to what part of the Cape it is the intention of Government to send the settlers, likewise if I am oblidged to engage the ten persons previous to my having the grant of land as in the event of my engaging them under the uncertainty of my procuring the grant of land might ultimately place me in an unpleasant situation. Likewise if I am oblidged to take them out in a given time.
There being many questions arising from this subject and not wishing to give you so much trouble if there is any gentleman I could be refered to for explanations, I have the honor to be Sir
Your h st
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 587
29 Mornington Place
Hampstead Road
31st August 1819
We beg to inform you the inclosed is the names of the persons who wish to go out with us as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope. We likewise beg to observe we are willing to conform to the terms of government.
I take the liberty of observing I shall not myself go out at the expence of Government as it is my intention to pay for my passage [they] will be under the superintendence of Mr. MATTHEWS.
We are Sir
Yr hbl sts
Joseph MATTHEWS, Hunt Court, castle Street, Leicester Square
Wm. ADAMS aged 22 of Morden, Surrey }
Thos. ADAMS aged 21 of Morden, Surrey } agriculturalists
Henry LOCK aged 25 of Morden, Surrey }
Isaac LOCK aged 28 of Morden, Surrey, sawyer, wife & two children 2 & 4 years of age
Dan'l KING aged 21 of Kennington }
Thos. WARD aged 20 of Kennington } agriculturalists
Jas. DONALD aged 23 of Kennington }
Richard CLEMMONDS 24 of Kennington, labourer, wife aged 21
Thos. WHITE aged 27 of Beckshill } agriculturalists
Thos. COX aged 30 of Beckshill }
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 589
Name and Description of Person taking out the Settlers:
J. ROYLE, 29 Mornington Place, Hampstead Road
Names of Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Agriculturalist |
40 |
30 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
14,16 & 17 |
William ADAMS |
“ |
23 |
Henry LOCK |
“ |
25 |
Thos. ADAMS |
“ |
22 |
Isaac LOCK |
“ |
28 |
Mary LOCK |
21 |
2 |
2 & 4 |
Daniel KING |
“ |
21 |
Thos. WARD |
“ |
20 |
“ |
23 |
“ |
24 |
21 |
Thos. WHITE |
“ |
27 |
Thos. COX |
“ |
30 |
[In clerk's hand across bottom]
This person's letter is mislaid. Mr. ROYLE is desirous of knowing whether he, although he be the responsible chief of the party, may remain in this country for the present and let the party go under the direction of the 1st person on the list.
- Hits: 5591