National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 685
London, 16 Jan'y 1819
Most honoured Sir,
I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in thus addressing you but necessity compels me to do it. My name his Joseph STAMFORD. I am a colloured man a native of Amboyna in the East Indies [Transcriber's Note: Amboyna is an archaic name for Ambon Island, part of the Maluku Islands of Indonesia] which is under the Dutch Government but I have been fighting in His British Majesty's Service in the ships in the Margin* for fourteen years but have no pension for my services and I was discharged from His Majesty's ship Argo in 1816 & have since been out to Indies but am not allowed to settle any where haveing been driven from the Islands to Calcuta & from there to the Cape – but it was just the same & the different governments informed me that I must get a letter from His Britanick Majesty's Sec'y of State for the Colonial Department or such proper officer appointed for that purpose. Hon'd Sir, as I have been at a great deal of trouble & expence in going to the different places & that being well enough [educated?] to get my livelyhood in England, I do most humbly solicit a Free Letter to settle in any of His Britanick Majesty's Collonys abroad & as I can bring refferences as to my character while in His Britanick Majesty's Service as well as to my moral character since, I most ardently hope you will have the goodness to take my case into consideration as well as my character during the time I have been in His Majesty's Service & comply with the prayer of my petition, & by so doing you will ever oblige your Honour's very humble & most obed't serv't
*NB This his my statement of [ships?] &c in His Majesty's Service
Ship's Name |
Captain's Name |
Dates |
Centurion |
1799 |
Braave |
1799 |
Lancaster |
1799 |
Dolores (Schooner) |
Lieut TREACHER commanding |
Polyphemus |
Holly (3 Mast Schooner) |
Ulysses |
Wm. FOTHERGILL now deceaced |
Argo |
Do. |
PS The reason I have no pension is I was at that time a boy, which deprived me of the benefit of the act of 1815
Address: Joseph STAMFORD at Mr. Thos. FOTHERGILL, No.8 West Square, Lambeth, Surrey
[Written at the foot of the page]
Acquaint him that if his wish is to settle in the [??] of the Hon'ble East India Company he should address himself to the Court of Directors, India House
Letter to the Governor of the Cape
Feby 3rd 1819
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 687
22 January 1819
Hon Sir,
I am very sorry to trouble you but necessity compels me to do it. My name is Joseph STAMFORD. I was born in the Island of Amboyna and takeing from there into His Britanick Majesty's Navy by J.S. RAINIER Esq into His Majesty's ship Centurion & from there drafted into the ships in the margin from 1799 untill 1815 when I was discharged on the reduction of the fleet. Hon Sir I have since been out to my native place but hearing of the ill treatment exercised by the Dutch government on individuals that had been in His Britanick Majesty's Service I was persuaded not to say that I belonged there for if I had they would have treated me as a slave. I then went to different places; Bombay, Calcutta & Madaras & lastly at the Cape but in consequence of my not haveing any thing to certify that I had been more than 14 years in His Majesty's Service the[y] could not let me settle but did advise me to come to England & make applycation to His Majesty's Under Secretairy of State or the proper officer appointed for that duty that his authorised to grant a free letter or a certifycate to that effect. Hon Sir I have been at a very great expence in going out & coming back to England & as I am not capable of geting my bread in this country but perfectly well assured I could in any of His Britanick Majesty's Collonys I most humbly implore your assistance in geting me a grant of a free letter (in consequence of my serving His Britanick Majesty's navy near 16 years) and by so doing you will ever oblige & I as in duty bound shall ever pray &c
From your Honour's very humble & most obed't serv't
Ships/Captain's Names
Centurion J.S. RAINIER
Lancaster LARKIN
De Lorious Lt. TREACHER
Polyphemus HAYWOOD
Holly (Schooner) Lt. TREACHER
NB My servitude is now at the Admiralty but as I had some small time boys [??] I could not get any pension
Address: Joseph STAMFORD, at Mr. FOTHERGILL's No.8 West Square Southwark, near the obelisk
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