STEVENS, John (2)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 911
Penzance, Cornwall
August 31st 1819
My Lord,
I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing your Lordship. It is for the purpose to ask a few questions respecting the grant of land Government has offered to make to any British subject that would go out to settle at the Cape of Good Hope and would take any number of labouring men from this country. Having a wish to go out and settle at the Cape and take advantage of the Government's offer of land I shall be glad to be informed by your Lordship on what condition [obscured] go there and how much land will be granted by Government for each labouring man I take out with me and what will be allowed by Government [obscured] & how is this land situated from Cape Town.
I have a wife and six children of my own and would wish to take ten labouring men & their families with me. I should likewise glad to be informed [obscured] & what time will Government have a ship ready to take such out as may wish to accept of Government's offer, and whither that ship could be permitted to put into Mounts Bay to take on board myself & family & those labouring men & their families.
I can assure your Lordship this is a safe & good Bay for ships of 400 or 500 tons can lay in safety as well as come into the River.
If I should accept of Government's proposals which your Lordship may be pleased to send I should wish further to know whither or not I could be accommodated with any additional tonnage for the conveyance of my household furniture by paying freight at the same rate the ship is taken up by Government.
I am with great respect
Your Lordship's most ob't sv't
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