SYLLER, John and William PORTLOCK
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 731
21st July 1819
Hon Sir.
Having seen the paper of 17th July respecting emigration to the Cape of Good Hope we have work'd in the Royal Manufactory of small arms Tower 14 years under the superintendance of Mr.NOBLE and Capt ALSOP, laterly Capt DUNDASS. Since the reducement have had little or nothing to do. Wishing if possible to leave England hoping to better ourselves. Being in the gun business our services may be required.
Have familys
John SYLLER Wife & 4 children under 14
Wm. PORTLOCK Wife & 2 children under 14
We remain Hon Sir
Your most obedient humble servants
At Mr. ANSELL's No.5 Old Montague Street, White Chaple
- Hits: 5465