WEAVING, Jonathan
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 267
Stratford near Stroudwater
July 26 1819
My Lord,
By an advertisement in the papers I learn that it is the good will of His Majesty's Government to send a number of emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope. And as I am become a distressed countryman through the failure of trade I should be most humblely thankful to be joined to the number that will embark. And as I believe that my request will meet the approbation of your Lordship I live in hopes of success. And if I should receive a satisfactory answer ( through the generosity of your Lordship) I desire to be informed when the emigrants will depart, what port they will go to and who they must apply to for directions.
My Lord I remain your humble and obedient servant
Jonathan WEAVING
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