National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 271
July 27th 1819
Hon'd Sir,
Please to pardon the liberty I hearin take in writing to you; my seeing an advertisement in the paper of Government wishing to give encouragement to emigration to the Cape of Good Hope it is my particular desire to go. I have no Famoley and understand a good deal of husbandry business and also serv'd a regular apprenticeship to the Boot and Shoe Maker line ondly not understanding your proposals will esteem it a particular favour if you will be pleasd to favour me with a few lines specefien Governments condishons. I am in perfect good helth and able and willing to work at aney thing. I am 36 years old and 5 feet 6 inches high. The above favour will be acknowledged by Sir
Your lost obed't and most humble servant at command
Please to direct for Thos. WELLDON at Wm. WELLDON's
near St.Ives Huntingdonshire
- Hits: 6540