1st December 2011 - GSSA Voters Roll Project - Letter S compete
When the eGGSA branch first started on Project S (the transcription of the whole of the letter S in the 1984 South African Voters' Roll, 296 668 names and addresses) we were simply just going to type forever!! You must know when the S's first arrived at my desk, I sommer put the computer off for 2 weeks, not knowing where to start. eGGSA's initial plans for handling the transcriptions were also put to bed and we had to come up with a new approach. The simplest for us was to approach anybody with even the remotest interest in the S-surnames, family and friends were also not safe.
The first of the S's were typed with the start of the Soccer World Cup in 2010. In the first quarter of this year we set ourselves a deadline for completing Project S by the end of December 2011. We typed right through the Rugby World Cup and today we won the S-CUP!!! The transcription of the letter S is now complete - 31 days BEFORE the deadline!!
Thank you so much to everyone who put so many hours into the project. We really appreciate your time, dedication, patience and friendship! I really enjoyed working with you guys! A big thank you to the S-pensioners who have offered to continue transcribing other surnames. Alta Griffiths.
The Roll of Honour ( transcriber and number of names transcribed ):
Alet Swanepoel, 4200
Alta Griffiths, 26504
Amanda Stander, 4033
Annette Goussard, 3801
Carmen van de Riet, 3570
Carol Beneke, 10542
Celeste Rachman, 20055
Dalina van Zyl, 4242
Dan Strydom, 5271
Deirdre Eygelaar, 7519
Erna Buber-de Villiers, 715
Fay Lea, 588
Frans Rudolph, 28603
Gert Schepers, 106
Glynis Millet-Clay, 1053
Hannetjie Riekert, 76550
Heleen Nel, 11602
Hobbie Stoffberg, 4819
Jacobus Swanepoel, 7119
Jacqui Foster, 273
Judi Meyer, 5271
Karn Kruger, 1764
Kobus Snyman, 3507
Lee Marais, 273
Levien Smuts, 13399
Melanie Smit, 5271
Minnie Pretorius, 2814
Paul Bosman, 819
Paxie Kelsey, 3261
Richard Atkinson, 5271
Richard Wolfaardt, 26355
Straffen Short, 462
Swannie Swanevelder, 1197
Talita Lofty-Eaton, 1764
Tanite Smart, 1029
Tobie de Villiers, 421
Wolfaardt familie, 2625 (Richard Wolfaardt, Dalina van Zyl and Henry Wolfaardt)