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Search this website with Google

This form will search the whole of the eGGSA web site, including the Picture Collections, Newspaper Collection, etc.
Enter the words you want to search for in the box above.

To search just for pictures in the eGGSA Gravestone Collection, include the word: Gravestones
If you want to search for gravestones only in the Eastern Cape, include the words: Gravestones Eastern Cape
To find only graves added in 2010 add 2010 to the search terms: Gravestones Eastern Cape 2010
To search only the Bible Collection, include the word  Bibles, for Postcards the words  Post card,
to search only through the Document collection, include the word Documents

To search for an exact phrase, put double inverted commas at either end of the phrase,
eg: searching on Willem Burger would find every item where both of those words appear, but searching on
"Willem Burger" will find only those pages where those two words appear exactly like that.

  • Hits: 54333