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Searching and using the content of these Registers

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Our object in the transcriptions done as part of the eGGSA project is to try to convey, as accurately as may be possible in the circumstances, what actually is written on the register pages. With this in view we have transcribed names, places, dates, abbreviations, etc. without interpretation on our part. Nothing in any entry that could be read has been omitted. We have added notes about any problems or oddities we have encountered during the transcriptions.

The registers vary in what information they record, from church to church and from one era of time to another. We have attempted to fit them all into one database format to allow coherent searching and reporting but no information has been knowingly omitted in the process.

Each entry as provided in the resulting list has its source included. When using this information we would ask you please to retain this information - it is the authority for that information.

Since spellings are not always what we might expect nowadays, you will probably need to use a certain amount of ingenuity in your search. Spellings may vary due to many factors, not least among which may be a mis-reading by the transcriber. If you find what appears to be a mistake please contact me - I will be happy to check against the photographs of the originals. Any other feedback will also be gratefully received.

Richard Ball

NB. The content of these registers is provided here for the use of all, it may not be used in any commercially motivated enterprise, or sold on for any purpose whatsoever. It may, of course, be used as reference material for published books or articles, when it should be quoted in full.

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