Jacob Johannes SCHOLTZ

Scholtz , Jacob Johannes (Japie)
Born: 11 July 1934 at Springs
Died: 14 October 2014 at Johannesburg
Remains: Veras
Spouse: Charmaine Gouws
Lived at: Roodekrans
This article posted by: Louis Scholtz
Liefdevolle eggenote van Charmaine, vader van Japie, Christo, Leon, Louis, Christina en Nicky en oupa van Danielle, Jean, Nina, Katja, Romy en Caitlyn.
Jy sal altyd in ons harte bly met jou mooi stil glimlag.
Japie is gebore as die derde van vyf seuns uit die huwelik van Jacob Johannes Scholtz (1893-1971) en Christina De Wet Roos (1900-1983).
The photographs and information on this page have been added by the users.
eGGSA does monitor the submissions but takes no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the published information.
Header picture credits: Richard Ball, Hu Chen