- Hits: 1257
(1882 - 1960)
Beloved daughter of John & Amelia Hewitt. Worked as a governess in Dublin. Came to SA with...
(1896 - 1961)
Aunty Millie was my godmother. She lived with my Granny in Fish Hoek and, as a little boy, I...
- Hits: 1243
(1993 - 2021)
Geliefde seun, kleinseun, neef, familie lid en vriend. Pappa van Hunter.
Altyd reg met...
Altyd reg met...
- Hits: 1236
(1932 - 1998)
Wietz Beukes is op 18 September 1932 op ‘n plaas naby Verkeerdevlei in die...
- Hits: 1512
- Hits: 1339
(1953 - 2012)
Frances aka Margaret was a loving, dedicated Wife and Mother to 5 boys and 1 daughter. Frances...
- Hits: 795
(Oupa Daan)
(1926 - 1975)
Daniel Johannes Bothma was getroud met Winifred Alice Bothma (gebore Mellet)
- Hits: 802
(1896 - 1939)
Daniel Johannes Bothma was getroud met Hendrina Stoffelina Mey Bothma (gebore De Beer).
- Hits: 872
(1898 - 1969)
Hendrina Stoffelina Mey Bothma (gebore De Beer) was getroud met Daniel Johannes Bothma
- Hits: 781
(Ouma Top)
(1920 - 2001)
Winifred Alice Bothma, born Mellett, was married to Daniel Johannes Bothma. They had no children...
- Hits: 894
(1964 - 2019)
Kallie Buys het 'n beduidende bydrae tot SA genealogie gelewer, maar het verkies om op die...
- Hits: 1236
(1926 - 2009)
My herinnering van my pa se ma, My liefste Ouma Anna
Dis 'n soort omhelsing wat ek...
Dis 'n soort omhelsing wat ek...
- Hits: 935
(1924 - 1983)
My herinnering van my pa se pa, My liefste Oupa Paul
Al ooit 'n superheld ontmoet?...
Al ooit 'n superheld ontmoet?...
- Hits: 800
(1953 - 2002)
Bennie De Lange was the youngest child and only son of Jan Hendrik De Lange and Helena Josina...
- Hits: 1914
(1952 - 2020)
This is my lovely wife that God has given me for 48 years. What a pleasure it was to share live...
- Hits: 1084
(1934 - 2003)
Henk Dreyer was a quiet, intelligent man who never said much. Father to Anton and Leon Dreyer....
- Hits: 1323
(1952 - 2017)
My herinneringe aan 'n fantastiese mens, my ma se broer - Danie Eybers
Oom Danie...
Oom Danie...
- Hits: 818
(1930 - 1969)
Hier deel Rina haar herinneringe van hoe dit was om die dogter van 'n toegewyde sakevrou en...
- Hits: 707
(1929 - 2003)
Hier deel Rina haar herinneringe van hoe dit was om die dogter van 'n toegewyde sakeman en...
- Hits: 819
(1921 - 1977)
Douglas was the youngest of seven children. He never knew his own father because he was born...
- Hits: 1330
(1919 - 1994)
Lily was the fourth child of five. They all went to a children's home after the death of their...
- Hits: 1190
(1927 - 2017)
Audrey was a loving wife and dedicated Mother of 3 children. She was a sister to 3 siblings and...
- Hits: 1256
(1953 - 1960)
Ian was Walter and Audrey GRAHAME's first born and was a very loving son. He suffered terribly...
- Hits: 1388
(1922 - 1969)
Walter was a loving husband to Audrey and devoted Father to 3 children. He worked extremely hard...
- Hits: 1198
(Des, Dezzy)
(1956 - 1991)
Brother of Michael & Colleen
Parents - Peter & Thelma Gray
Parents - Peter & Thelma Gray
- Hits: 1359
- Hits: 1493
(1932 - 2007)
Thelma Gray was a wife, mother, grandmother. We lived in Dinwiddie for many years. She have 3...
- Hits: 1337
- Hits: 1244
- Hits: 1203
- Hits: 1139
- Hits: 1165
- Hits: 1179
- Hits: 1289
(1925 - 2008)
My Dad had such a great sense of humour & loved his fishing so his ashes where scattered in...
- Hits: 1257
- Hits: 1280
- Hits: 1241
(1909 - 1984)
Retired in 1967 from post as Deputy Director Medical Services, Zambia
- Hits: 1493
(1933 - 1957)
Fransie was die jongste dogter van Francois Frederik (Frik) Le Grange en Ella Margaretha Venter...
- Hits: 862
(1956 - 2022)
Hendrik Hurter, seun van Johannes Andries VanWyk Hurter (Jan) en Francois Frederick Le Grange...
- Hits: 961
(1931 - 2011)
Jan is gebore op 'n plaas met die naam Hurtersrus, net buite Vrede. Hy was die seun van Hendrik...
- Hits: 769
(1998 - 2017)
Lenisé jy was altyd ons sonskyn kind. Jy was nuuskierig, wakker, liefdevol, lewendig,...
- Hits: 757
- Hits: 1293
(1937 - 1985)
George, better known as Poena, was tragically killed in a hit-and-run accident during New Year's...
- Hits: 1467
- Hits: 1356
- Hits: 1372
- Hits: 1177
- Hits: 1215
- Hits: 1208
(1963 - 2019)
Kathy was a beautiful sister, friend and cousin. She made people feel special, and was generous,...
- Hits: 994
(1950 - 1989)
Johan was die seun van Johannes Hermanus Richard Lemmer (Ook Johan) en Cecilia Christina (Non)...
- Hits: 913
(2017 - 2020)
Ansie is one of a twin and the eldest daughter of Sarel and Lettie Fourie and was married to...
- Hits: 906
(1935 - 2020)
Joggie Marnewick was 'n liefdevolle mens, man, pa , oupas, oom en vriend. Sy asse word by die...
- Hits: 1237
(2000 - 2020)
The most caring, thoughtful, lovable, artistic daughter/sister any parents or brother could have...
- Hits: 1720
(1937 - 2021)
Also known as the Dogfather - a caring, loving father to Vaughn, Sherryl, Robin and Charmaine....
- Hits: 1213
(1939 - 2021)
Loving wife to Mervyn John McIntosh, mother to Vaughn, Sherryl, Robin & Charmaine. Granny...
- Hits: 1249
(1918 - 1994)
A hard-working and very loving man. Nothing was ever too much for him to do for others. Gone but...
- Hits: 1252
(1931 - 2002)
She was a very warm and loving mom and nurse. A strong and independent woman who made those...
- Hits: 1732
(1931 - 2020)
Breggie was die jongste dogter van Pieter Willem Van der Merwe (Piet) en Johanna Hendrina Adriana...
- Hits: 740
(1953 - 2021)
Daugther of Jan Adriaan Botha and Hester Katarina Swanepoel, spouse of Johannes Petrus Jacob...
- Hits: 1201
- Hits: 1219
(1897 - 1991)
Gampy was born in East London to Emanuel and Eliza Pascual. He spent his childhood in Kimberley...
- Hits: 1384
(1931 - 2000)
My Pa was Henry Richard POTGIETER [b.1931 d.2000]. Hy was die oudste van vier(4) kinders. My Pa...
- Hits: 1370
- Hits: 2089
(2022 - 2019)
RIP Ouma Flippie * Welgevonden, Waterberg 4 Mar 1928 dv Philippus Arnoldus van Loggerenberg en...
- Hits: 1207
(1934 - 2014)
Liefdevolle eggenote van Charmaine, vader van Japie, Christo, Leon, Louis, Christina en Nicky en...
- Hits: 1740
(Jozie or Joey)
(1900 - 1984)
Maternal Grandmother
Children - Thelma & John Adopted - Jack Grady & Joyce...
Children - Thelma & John Adopted - Jack Grady & Joyce...
- Hits: 1472
- Hits: 1640
(1919 - 2011)
Loving wife, mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother. her family was her world.
- Hits: 1115
(1914 - 1988)
Dad, taught me the beauty of the world around me, gave me the value of morals and showed me what...
- Hits: 1136
(1886 - 1964)
Previous marriages:
Cornelia Johanna Elizabeth OLIVIER,
Gesina Johanna ELLIS,
Cornelia Johanna Elizabeth OLIVIER,
Gesina Johanna ELLIS,
- Hits: 1412
(1934 - 2019)
A dearly-loved father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He was a very large tree under which...
- Hits: 1191
(1930 - 2020)
Ma Elizabeth Maria Smith (Roodt) gebore 18 Augustus 1930 in die Elliot distrik het haar reis hier...
- Hits: 932
- Hits: 1285
- Hits: 1277
(1939 - 2019)
John's ashes were scattered over the Makhonjwa Mountains in Barberton, Mpumalanga
- Hits: 1272
(Nella, Bubbles)
My bekkie het baie mense aangeraak sy was n gesonde glimlaggende kaalvoet kind,altyd so...
- Hits: 1450
(1973 - 2020)
Ida-Marie was die derde van vier kinders. Gebore in Pietersburg Hospitaal. Sy was op Alldays in...
- Hits: 1250
(Baba & Jack)
(1938 - 2013)
Jack left South Africa in 1960 for London, England, where he worked until 1962. He met his wife,...
- Hits: 1413
(1955 - 2018)
Pete (Peter) was the finest human, gentle, passionate about music and dedicated to his work as...
- Hits: 1521
(1999 - 2020)
Die mooiste siel, wat almal met wie sy in aanraking gekom het, se hartsnare geraak het.
- Hits: 1374
(1936 - 2020)
Mattheus is die oudste van twee seuns. Sy eie pa is oorlede toe hy nog nie 5 jaar oud was nie en...
- Hits: 1710
(1908 - 1952)
Served in the SAAF 60 Squadron doing reconnaissance & survey in North Africa.
- Hits: 808
- Hits: 1095
The photographs and information on this page have been added by the users.
eGGSA does monitor the submissions but takes no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the published information.
Header picture credits: Richard Ball, Hu Chen