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Kasper Stefanus BUYS

BUYS, Kasper Stefanus

Buys , Kasper Stefanus (Kallie)

Born: 9 July 1964 at Utrecht
Died: 22 September 2019 at Stellenbosch
Spouse:  Yda Cornelia van Niekerk
Lived at: Stellenbosch
This article posted by: Kallie Buys

Kallie Buys het 'n beduidende bydrae tot SA genealogie gelewer, maar het verkies om op die agtergrond te bly. Hy het 'n groot bydrae tot die Buys navorsing gelewer en was 'n mentor in verskeie opsigte.
Hy het 'n wye belangstelling buiten genealogie gehad en was geliefd in sy familiekring as broer, pa, eggenoot en Oupa.

The photographs and information on this page have been added by the users.

eGGSA does monitor the submissions but takes no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the published information.

Header picture credits: Richard Ball, Hu Chen