Winifred Alice BOTHMA

Bothma , Winifred Alice (Ouma Top) born Mellet
Born: 28 August 1920 at Johannesburg
Died: 12 February 2001 at Springs
Remains: Buried in Springs
Spouse: Daniel Johannes Bothma
Lived at: Geduld Uitbreiding Springs
This article posted by: Lyndie Raath
Winifred Alice Bothma, born Mellett, was married to Daniel Johannes Bothma. They had no children of their own. Winifred was English speaking.
Winifred was a registered nurse & midwife. She worked at East Rand Hospital in Springs. Winifred was married to late Lenie Eybers' brother Daniel. When Lenie passed away in 1969, Lenie's daughter Rina had a baby girl in 1974. Winifred & Daniel made a phone call to Rina and asked if they could be grandparents to her new born daughter. Eventually they became grandparents to Rina's 3 children. Family taking care of family...
I have lots of beautiful memories of my grandma. Grandma was a rock that held us all together. She was our strength & her love for her grandchildren made her face glow. Grandma loved us with her entire heart, it is a love that can never be replaced.
We had sleep overs & grandma would always offer up her bed, she slept on the floor and we naughty buggers on the bed. We used to set her alarm clock for in the morning hours, once the bell starts ringing she would just get up & turn it off. No scolding at all.
She baked the greatest granadilla cake. Always had a tin of condensed milk for us in her kitchen cupboard. Good old fashion home baking with Grandma was special, my sister & I never used icing sugar to decorate our little cakes. We used Vicks chest rub & Grandma ate our Vicks cookies.... Lots of memories...
Her unconditional love taught us that love is the most powerful quality that humans can have.
Always loved, never forgotten !!!!
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Header picture credits: Richard Ball, Hu Chen