CAMPBELL, Charles Collins - Extra Data
Leader of Charles CAMPBELL's Party
Burke's Landed Gentry
He descends from the CAMPBELLs of Barbreck, Lochgilphead, Argyllshire, Scotland, and was the son of Colonel Charles CAMPBELL and Susannah De Morgan. His father had inherited Hartfield, in Sussex.
Married (1) Harriet FRASER 17 February 1786
(see History of the Frasers of Lovat page 658)
Westminster Archives
Married (2) Elizabeth LANE in St. George's, Hanover Square, London
Charles Collins CAMPBELL Esq, Single Man, and Elizabeth LANE, Spr, both of this parish, the marriage of the said Charles Collins CAMPBELL with Harriet FRASER having been dissolved by Act of Parliament, were married in this church by Licence on 2 July 1799
Both signed
Witnesses: Donald CAMPBELL, Sam'l HAWKINS, J. CAMPBELL
The record of the divorce is held in the Parliamentary Archives. Private Act 39 George III c.103. Ref: HL/PO/PB/1/1799/39G3n238
See Internet Archive for "Major HOOK's defence to the Action of Criminal Conversation brought against him by Capt. Chas. CAMPBELL and tried at Westminster 26th February 1793." Letters written by Charles CAMPBELL are printed in the appendix and give some insights into his family and the reasons for the divorce. Major HOOK was Harriet's uncle.
London Metropolitan Archives
Charles CAMPBELL son of Charles and Eliz. was baptised 11 December 1796 in St. Marylebone (born 28 November)
Henry CAMPBELL of Chas. and Eliz'th was baptised 3 December 1797 in St.Marylebone (born 14 November)
Old Parish Register for Inverness, Scotland
December 12 1799
Major Charles CAMPBELL and his spouse Elizabeth Lane CAMPBELL had a child baptised by Bishop McPHARLANE called Ambrose George CAMPBELL, born the 17th November 1799
Major McSHASKILL and Mr. CAMPBELL, Witnesses
Old Parish Register for Barony, Glasgow, Scotland
Col. Chas. CAMPBELL and Eliz. CAMPBELL his spouse had their 4th child born 30th Sept, bapt, 27 Oct 1801, named Sophia.
Family Search
Lawrence CAMPBELL, son of Charles Collins and Elizabeth CAMPBELL, was baptised on 8 March 1804 in Workington, Cumberland
West Yorkshire Archive Service
Isabella, daughter of Colonel Charles Collins CAMPBELL, was baptised on 2 January 1806 in St. Peter's, Leeds (born 6 December 1805)
John, son of Charles CAMPBELL, Park Lane, was baptised on 4 January 1808 in St. Peter's, Leeds (born 4 December 1807)
Frederick, son of Colonel Charles CAMPBELL, St. James Street, was baptised on 5 November 1810 in St. Peter's, Leeds (born 29 October)
Elizabeth CAMPBELL, wife of Col. CAMPBELL Commander of Leeds District 3rd B, of Park Square Leeds, buried 8 February 1813, childbirth, St.Peter's, Leeds (Wakefield FHS transcript)
At some time after the death of Elizabeth, Charles CAMPBELL went to Newfoundland, Canada. A note written on his letter of application to emigrate states that "He was upon the staff at Newfoundland and discontinued in the year 1816. Previous to his obtaining his present rank he was an inspecting field officer of a Recruiting District"
Married (3) Mary Harriet ANDREWS on 13 May 1816 in St.John's, Newfoundland.
London Metropolitan Archives
William, son of Charles and Mary Harriet CAMPBELL, Sloane Square, Major General in the Army, was baptised on 7 April 1817 in St. Luke's, Chelsea (born February 21st)
Edward Andrew, son of Charles and Mary Harriet CAMPBELL, Durham Place, Major General, was baptised on 11 March 1818 in St. Mary's, Lambeth
Harriet, daughter of Charles and Mary Harriet CAMPBELL, Durham Place, Major General, was baptised on 4 August 1819 in St. Mary's, Lambeth
Catherine, daughter of Charles and Mary Harriet CAMPBELL, Lambeth Terrace, Major General HMS, was baptised on 11 May 1821 in St.Mary's, Lambeth
He wrote his correspondence with the Colonial Office from 3 Durham Place.
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