DANIEL, Sampson - Extra Data
(member of TURVEY's Party)
Brother of Peter Clarke DANIEL, also born in Dublin. He was also a jeweller and was definitely in London in 1810.
London Gazette: 18 August 1810 Dissolution of Partnership.
“..the partnership lately subsisting between Edward GAUBERT and Sampson DANIEL of 17 Duke's Court, Drury Lane, in the County of Middlesex, Working Jewellers, trading under the Firm of Gaubert and Daniel, was dissolved on the 11th day of August instant by mutual consent..”
The Settler Handbook lists his wife as Mary but sources in South Africa, including death notices, state that she was Amelia Margarith/Marguerite D'EGVILLE and that she and Sampson married at Gretna Green and lived in Scotland. There is also a marriage in Edinburgh on 28 August 1813 (OPR) which states “Sampson DANIEL, Jeweller, St.Andrews Parish and Amelia HARVEY, St.Cuthberts Parish, daughter of the late Peter HARVEY, Edinburgh.”
If this is a record of marriage between the Sampson and Amelia who emigrated, then she may have been a connection of James Harvey D'EGVILLE, who was a dancer at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London (Drury Lane also being the address of Sampson's jeweller's shop)
Death Notice (Cape Archives) for Sampson's daughter Jane Sophia says she was born in Edinburgh and that her mother's maiden name was D'EGVILLE.
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