DEVINE, James - Extra Data
(member of BUTLER's Party)
Death Notice (Cape Archives) of James DEVINEand his second wife Bridget O'NEAL shows that both were born in Ireland and that James married Bridget before emigrating. Margaret, listed as his wife on the settler returns, was probably his first wife and the mother of William. Ellen was Bridget's daughter and is the first child to appear on her DN. James was 63 when he died in 1829, which makes him some twenty years older than the age given on the settler returns. Possibly a 5 was read as a 3? Bridget would have been about 26 at the time of emigration, so her name was given as Margaret in error. The first settler return includes a 1 year old son called Arthur, who must have died just prior to sailing. Bridget's father was Arthur O'NEAL.
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