ROBERTS, Thomas Cramer re Thomas BUTLER, 1824
National Archives, Kew, CO48/67, 259
6 Cleveland Row
Dec 10 1824
My Lord,
I beg to address yr Lordship for the purpose of procuring information concerning an individual by the name of Thomas BUTLER, a native of Ireland, formerly a resident in the County of Kildare to about 1820 or 1821, proceeded from there to the Cape of Good Hope with a party of his followers to settle there. Nothing has been heard respecting him for some time past & except the name is mentioned in the returns that I understand are forwarded to yr Lordship from that colony I am deprived of the means of ascertaining whether he is dead or still lives. May I beg the favour of your Lordship's answer
I have the honour to remain
Yr Lordship's obed't humble servant
Thos. Cramer ROBERTS
[Transcriber's Note: Thomas Cramer ROBERTS was a London barrister]
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