BRYANT, Joseph
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 764
Bristol 27th December 1889
A new settlement being about to be formed at Algoa Bay, near the Cape of Good Hope I beg leave to offer my services to Government, as a Surveyor and Craftsman, should a person of my profession be wanting to promote the views of the colonists. I have to state that I hold his Majesty's Commission as a Surveyor in the Island of Jamaica where I have resided for several years but obliged to leave on account of ill health and as the nature of my employment has been chiefly in surveying trackless and uncultivated lands. I flatter myself I could be of real service to an infant colony of this description. Should this offer be deemed worthy of consideration I am ready to give the most respectable referments. I have the honour to be Sir
Your most obedient Servant
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