National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 122/124
38 Joiners Street
July 30th 1819
The humble petition of Henry CALDWELL humbly sheweth
Petitioner most humbly prays Sir Henry TORRENS KCB would have the goodness to peruse the following statement of truth and sincerity. Pet'r made all the applications to Colonel SALMON to get established labourer without effect. Pet'r is discharged with some hundred more from the Company warehouses for the want of trade, and has no prospect of getting on untill the Company's shipping comes in next spring. Pet'r loses all hopes of my relatives in India of writing for me or yet recommending me for employment to the Hon'le Court of Directors. Pet'r most humbly implores Sir Henry would forward my petition enclosed to the Earl of BATHURST to get out to the Cape of Good Hope as a settler according to H.M. and the Government rules and regulations. And in duty bound petitioner shall pray
NB and grant the petitioner a few lines so as to get the inclosed passage
No.38 Joiners Street
July 30th 1819
My Lord,
The humble petition of Henry CALDWELL
Petitioner belonged nine years to His Majesty's service, five years of the aforesaid time upon active service, and is discharged by the late reducement. Petitioner is out of employment and cannot obtain anything to do.
Pet'r aged 29 years and wife aged 24 years is desirous of going to the Cape of Good Hope as settlers. Conformable to his Majesty's and the Governor's rules there and regulations and binding ourselves thereto.
And as in duty bound petitioners shall pray
Late Gunner Royal Artillery
Pet'r most humbly awaits answer
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 458
No.5 Colliers Rents
High Street
Oct 24 1819
My Lord,
I respectfully entreat your Lordship's pardon for leaving your deplorable case before your Lordship.. of truth and sincerity from the hand of a humble loyal soldier. Petitioner belonged to H.M. service 9 years, 5 years of the aforesaid time in the peninsula & the continent, has been in 8 general actions and discharged by reduction, and has no pension – is both pennyless and has no employment. Rejected of being re-enlisted and has a undeniable character from the Army and since by Industry.
Petitioner has a family and had disposed of my little furniture for the support of Nature: is not willing to violate the law – most humbly implores a passage to the Cape of Good Hope to be admitted as a laborer in any of H.M. yards, watchman or porter, abroad or at home as your Lordship judges most meet to the distressed and industrious.
And with my family shall pray
Major OWEN's Company, 5th Batt. R. Artillery
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