CALLAN, Den Ross
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 87
6 Burford Terrace
East India Dock Gates
July 27th 1819
My Lord,
When I solicited your Lordship to appoint me a Land Surveyor in Canada I was informed that settlement was amply supplied, but having now heard it is in contemplation of Government to encourage emigration to the Cape of Good Hope and that a Land Surveyor will be wanting there, I beg leave to intrude once more upon your Lordship's consideration as the son of an individual, the late Lieutenant Governor ROSS of New South Wales, who feels he has some claim on the Government & more particularly your Lordship's department.
Should your Lordship deign to appoint me Land Surveyor at the Cape and grant me some portion of land there, my conduct will prove that such favour was not misplaced. I am my Lord with due deference
Your humble and obd't servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 126
6 Burford Terrace
July 31st 1819
In my letter of the 27th inst i solicited Earl BATHURST to appoint me Land Surveyor at the Cape of Good Hope and now again I beg leave thro' you Sir, to repeat it, convinced as I am that you are not inimical to those individuals whose claims on Government are well founded, conceiving mine to be indisputable I look up with some degree of confidence to the human disposition of his Lordship to enable me to settle in that colony by granting me the favor I so much solicit: and which if granted will always be acknowledged with the most lively sense of gratitude by Sir
Your very obdt hbl sevt
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