National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 152
4th August 1819
My Lord,
Having learned through the medium of the publick newspapers that it is the intention of the British Government to send out settlers to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope.
I beg to know from your Lordship what assistance and encouragement would be given to enterprising persons desirous of emigrating and who would bring with them a number of families, consisting of industrious mechanics and labourers? Will they be provided with farming utensils? Seed &c &c? or any assistance towards erecting houses &c? And should they find themselves hereafter in a rising condition, will they be allowed to extend their possessions either by grant or purchase.
And as it is an unfortunate fact which probably is known to your Lordship that there are many industrious families in this country who would be unable to raise the deposit required, I beg to be informed by your Lordship whether if agruaments made here were made with a number of poor families to advance their deposit for them, such agruaments would be sanctioned by His Majesty's Ministers and directions given to the local authorities in the Colony to enforce the observance of them if necessary?
I would also wish to know if the land intended to be so appropriated be clear of timber & woodlands as in North America? What is the nature of the soil? Has it been tilled? What kind of pasturage does it produce? And are there any rivers therein by which to wash machinery for the purpose of threshing and grinding the [grain] and such other purposes as may hereafter be found necessary? And finally such other further information as may enable the Emigrants to give an opinion of his future prospects.
I have the honour to remain
Your Lordship's most obedient and most humble servant
NB Please direct to me to the care of Mr. William Z. GRAHAM, 35 Capel Street, Dublin
- Hits: 5675