CLIMON, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 207
20 Gill Street
August 1819
Honoured Sir,
I beg the liberty to inform you that I have been a Minister of the Wesleyan persuasion for twenty years. A number of my Brethren who are about to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope wishes to propose me as their Minister, should I be approved of by the Secretary of State.
I humbly hope your honour will be pleased to inform me if the hundred persons must appear before you or by signature.
I beg leave to state I have a Family, a wife and two sons, the age fourteen and five. Should wish to be informed if Government intends sending the Ministers and Familys free of expence. An answer to these questions will be gratefully acknowledged.
I am Sir with the greatest respect
Your honour's most obed't humble servt
- Hits: 5539