FIELD, Daniel Hallebread
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 214
September 7, 1819
The petition of Daniel Hallebread FIELD of the town and port of Dover in the county of Kent. Grocer, lately a Commissarial Clerk in the Peninsula.
Most humbly sheweth
That your Lordship's petitioner feels a particular desire to become one of the settlers at the Cape of Good Hope under the conditions offered in your Lordship's printed and circular letters and for that purpose has got 10 able bodied persons who are equally anxious to join him, and are capable of depositing the 10£ required and of taking some trifling money with them for necessaries on their first arrival; some of these persons are Mechanics, but have also been to work in the field and Husbandry in general.
That your honor's petitioner from his good character during three years service as Clerk in the Commissarial Department was not discharged till nearly the last in the Peninsula in the year 1817, since which time he has not been able to establish himself in any office, clerks being but little wanted, and the business of a Grocer which he now follows, he would gladly exchange to settle abroad, a warmer climate being congenial to his health.
Your Lordship's petitioner therefore most humbly prays Your Lordship will be pleased to take his former services into consideration and to grant him this request, and he as in duty bound will ever pray.
Daniel Hallebread FIELD
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