FIELD, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 234
No. 13 York Street
Commercial Road
Oct 12, 1819
Hon Sir
I trust your goodness will pardon the liberty I have taken being totally unknown to you. I shall feel myself greatly obliged by your informing me if Dr BARON is excepted by government or not, to emigrate with his proposals to the Cape Colony and beg leave with submission to you to further ask if you have recv'd a letter from Mr H'y CRASKE of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk to the same effect who is most desirous to make one family in a partie and can if required give most respectable refference to those high in power.
I am Honerd Sir your most obed't very humble servant
William FIELD
NB Customhouse officer
London Dock
- Hits: 5549