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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.


National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 117

20 Somersett Street


July 20th, 1819

Honorable Sir

In consequence of a public communication respecting the emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope I am requested to state for the consideration of your honor that numbers of loyal families of good character are desirous of embracing the opportunity offered should they be deemed eligible and to have it in their power to comply with the deposits required and others have small capital independent of the required deposits. Under these circumstances I humbly beg leave to submit the following questions which I hope you will be pleased to condescend to cause to be answered in the most explicit manner as the nature of the enquiries will admit of.

Description of one family independent of such others who appear to be desirous of uniting in the embarkation.

Qn 1st. A husband aged 44 wife 40 son 21 daughter 18 daughter 17 daughter 13 son 12 son 9 being 8 in number and two or 3 relatives of proper ages in order to make up at least 10 in number independant of other families.

Qn 2nd. On the landing of such families in what manner are they to be supplied with habitations provisions implements utensils seed for cultivation livestock to produce increase also materials for erecting habitations etc. and by whom and in what manner and when are the same to be paid for if some of said families have not any capital for defraying such expenses should the same be absolutely necessary.

Qn 3rd. Will the persons who so embark be restricted to cultivation who may not posses the knowledge or arts of tradesmen such as Carpenters Bricklayers Smiths Coopers Lawyers and other handicrafts etc or will such be permitted to barter with such capital which may not be required to the appropriation of cultivation.

Qn 4th. Is it practicable for the several united families to have allotments granted as near to each other as possible in order to promote their interest and happiness in a foreign climate as they will be perhaps deprived of ever associating with their friends or relatives except those in question on this occasion.

Qn 5th. Will the persons so bringing the land into a full and proper state of cultivation after the period of a few years have the sanction of the Governor to dispose of the same to enable him or them to return to their native soil or to retire on the produce of his labours.

Qn 6th. Should the different persons applications be approved of and their embarkation ordered what time will be given them for to prepare for their departure.

Waiting a reply.

In the interim I am Sir your most obedient humble servant


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