FROST, George
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 220
The Punch Bowl
Spring Street
Sept 15 1819
Whe have sent to know the witch way whe are to presede to the Cape of Good Hope as whe have a great desire to go to that place. As whe made application before to go Canadas but the Govenment had dropt sending setlers so whe should wish to know the particulars.
George FROST aged 19 years Do. wife
James COCKAYNE aged 35 years Do. wife & 2 ch
Samuel COLEMAN aged 38 Do. wife & 4 ch
John BROOKFIELD aged 22 Do. wife & 3 ch
George FROST aged 40 Do. wife
Sir, you will please to direct for George FROST in the Punch Bowl, Spring Street, Sheffield
- Hits: 5616