FULTON, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 138
28 July 1819
My Lord,
Having understood that encouragement is about to be offered to his Majesty's subjects to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave to solicit your Lordship will be pleased to give necessary orders how I might procure a passage to that canton for myself, wife and four children. I likewise observe that there is a surtint sum to be depasited before embarcation according to the famley respectfully but as I am a poor man and out of employment it is not in my poure to depasit that sum & as I am a British punsionar at 6d pur diam and has served my country faithfully I humble beg your Lordship will take it in to considrition and direct such infammation ma be sent me as your Lordship ma think proper.
I am my Lord
Your Lordship's humble & obd't servant
Late Serj't 85th Regiment
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