McCLELAND, John Beatty
Filed under C in CO48/42
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 392
Oct 5th 1819
My Lord,
I wish to become a contractor for the ten persons I mention on the other side to proceed as Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, and I should feel obliged by your Lordship letting me know as soon as possible what further steps I am to take in relation to the depositing of the moneys which will be required of me for them - specifying the amount and where it is to be sent to.
Your Lordship's Obedient Servant
Name of Contractor:
John Beatty McCLELAND, Aged 24 years, Farmer
Charles LONEY, Linen & Cotton Weaver, 25, Mary LONEY [age obscured] 2 male children aged 2 & 1
James JOHNSON, Farmer, 30, Marg't JOHNSON, 27, one child, Eliza, 7
Wm. THOMPSON, Farmer, 22
G. NEEDHAM, Farmer, 21
+ S. NEEDHAM, Weaver, 24, C. NEEDHAM, 22, two children, Catherine, 6, Sarah, 1
G. NEEDHAM, Weaver & Farmer, 20
G. McKINLEY, Weaver, 36, Isa McKINLEY, 20, two children, Anne, 11, Mary, 13
P, McCABE, Farmer, 28, Elisa McCABE, 20,
Saunderson KYLE, Farmer, 24, Anne KYLE, 26, one child, 1 year old
* W. FARRELL, Mason, 36, Bridget FARRELL, 32, three children, a son 9, Bridget, 11, Catherine, 13
+ Pensioner 103 Foot
* Pensioner 9 Dragoon Guards
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 394
6 October 1819
My Lord,
In addition to the list of Settlers whose names I had the honour of forwarding to your Lordship yesterday, I beg here to add the names on the other side that should your Lordship look upon them as proper persons I may be enabled to join them to the ?list? as they are also from the same part of the country. I should be much obliged, Your Lordship, letting me have any further information on the subject as soon as you conveniently can.
Your Lordship's most obedient, very humble servant,
John Beatty McCLELAND
It may be of advantage to state that any individual whose names I have sent off are in good health and all capable of work.
Wm. WILSON, 18, Farmer
John ARCHER, 21, Farmer, Jane ARCHER, 21,*
Patt MAHON, 28, Plowman to Lord Newcomen, Eliza MAHON, 27, two sons, one 2½ yrs the other ½ year
Owen McDANIEL, 21, Farmer
Michael McCORMICK, 21, Farmer
James LOGAN, 25, Labourer
*This is only supposed to be her age – but she is not more [than] two and twenty
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 513
[Written in a different handwriting – no date or address]
Mr McCLELAND has called at this office at the desire of his brother, the Revd. Francis McCLELAND, who has been approved by Lord BATHURST as a clergyman to proceed to South Africa, for the purpose of enquiring whether any determination has yet been come to concerning the proposals of twenty six individuals from the county of Longford transmitted by him hither about a fortnight since.
Mr McCLELAND will be extremely obliged to Mr GOULDBURN for any confirmation on this lead with which he be favoured, in order to communicate to his brother and the individuals in question.
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 515
Mr McCLELAND, brother to a clergyman of Longford, Ireland has taken leave to call on Mr GOULBURN at the desire of Lord FORBES M.P. for the County of Longford. He requests that Mr GOULBURN will allow him the honour of a few minutes conversation at whatever time he may appoint respecting the eligibility of his brother to proceed to South Africa with Mr William PARKER.
[written by authorities on reverse]
Mr McCLELAND has been informed that if his brother wishes to go his name must be regularly reported by the person to whom he proposes to attach himself. When this is done and testimonials sent, his offer to go will be considered.
- Hits: 7097