PIGOT, George, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 76
near Newbury, Berks.
Aug 1st 1819
My Lord,
As it is my wish to embark some property in this cultivation of an estate at the Cape of Good Hope, I beg to offer myself for your consideration, to undertake the charge of a body of immigrants desirous of settling there. From my habits and rank in life, (having been in the army thirty years, during which time I had an opportunity of informing myself of the different systems of agriculture in various climates, and from my having been a practical farmer fifteen years, in Staffordshire and Berkshire) I feel myself qualified to undertake the enterprise, as well as to render myself useful to the Government, in any way they may think fit to employ me. I do not mention this with a view of emoluments, salary is no object, but I am aware a person of education would feel very awkwardly situated as an emigrant without some authority under Government.
Should my first proposition meet your approbation, you will oblige me by a communication, and should you be able to place me in any situation where I am under myself useful, and at the same time respected by the settler, you will very much oblige.
Your most obed't very humble serv't
PS. not having the honor of being known to your Lordship, I beg to refer to the members for the counties of Stafford and Berks, or should there be any security required on my part I can procure it.
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 103
Newbury, Berks.
Aug 7th 1819
In answer to yours of the 5th, I beg to inform you that it is my wish to take out to the Cape 20 or 30 families, or more if I can get them. You will oblige me by informing me if a few Carpenters and Blacksmiths will be allowed to go with the settlers, and in which proportion. I shall likewise be thankful if you will inform me on what scale other persons have offered to take with settlers, and what ranks in life or business they are in, as I can form a much better judgment what to do when I know what others do.
I am Sir,
Your most obed't very humble serv't
PS. will any tonnage be allowed to carry out implements of husbandry and to what extent.
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 116
Newbury, Berks.
Aug 11th 1819
I have been favored with your printed letter of the 9th in answer to which I beg to state I perfectly understand the terms of the circular letter and agree to them, and your last communication is perfectly satisfactory, we being allowed to carry out a moderate supply of agricultural implements. I feel confident of procuring twenty families to accompany me, and perhaps more, if I may afterward make an augmentation, as the time fast approaches for the transport sailing. I should feel obliged by as early a communication as possible if I am permitted to go, and I trust from my qualifications, and length of service in the Army, I shall be acceptable. Should it be necessary I will wait on you in town, and make my deposit immediately on your reply.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 162
Newbury, Berks.
Aug 24th 1819
On the other side is the list of persons desirous of going with me to the new settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, and whom I engage to carry out, and support in conformity with the wishes of His Majesty's Government. As I am prepared in every respect, I hope I shall be allowed to go with the first division.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
A current list of the persons desirous of going to the Cape of Good Hope with Mr. George PIGOT of Chievely in the county of Berks.
Women |
Children above
14 years
Children under
14 years
1 |
George PIGOT |
2 |
2 |
Wife |
1 |
1 |
3 |
John POVEY |
Wife |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Wife |
5 |
5 |
Henry BROOKS |
Wife |
1 |
3 |
6 |
Joseph WINTIN |
Wife |
2 |
7 |
Wife |
1 |
2 |
8 |
John POVEY Junior |
Wife |
9 |
Henry SMITH |
Wife |
10 |
Wife |
11 |
Single |
12 |
do |
13 |
do |
14 |
Thos. TAYLOR |
do |
15 |
George PIPER |
do |
16 |
Morris PIPER |
do |
17 |
do |
18 |
Thos. HOBSON |
do |
19 |
do |
20 |
Wife |
Total Men - 20 Women - 10 Children above fourteen years - 8 Children under fourteen years - 12
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 164
Near Newbury, Berks.
Aug 27th 1819
As it is possible my address may not have been clearly stated in my last communication, I take the liberty of enclosing it as above, and I shall take it as a particular favour, to be allowed to proceed with the first division of settlers to the Cape of Good Hope.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 169
[to Charles DUNDASS, MP for Berkshire 1794-1832]
Nr Newbury, Berks.
Tuesday 31st Aug 27th
You of course know Government are taking out settlers free of expense to the Cape of Good Hope, there are at least 50,000 have offered to go, and that money granted by Parliament will not take out more than 5,000, it therefore becomes a matter [of] favor to get leave to be of the party. I have sent in my name with 20 labourers, 10 women & 22 children, and you will oblige me very much by writing to Lord BATHURST to request myself and party may go by the first division, as we are all ready.
You know ours is a very populous village and the poor rates very high, it is therefore the wish of all the Parish, that I may succeed in my application, all this you may state, and I conceive Government can have no objection personally to me as I have always been an agriculturist and from my rank in life should suppose that I must more than come within the description of persons they will be able to select. Should you think it advisable, you may mention my service in the Army, 30 years, and that I am ready to take any command of a militia, or any other force, that it may be found necessary to form in the new settlement to protect them against the Caffirs. I see by the paper of today that none of the applicants have as yet received answers, therefore if you will have the goodness to write by this night's post, it will be sure to be in time, should I go, I will see you before I quit old England forever, believe me.
Yours very sincerely & truly
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 205
Chievely, Newbury, Berks
Sep 10th 1819
I hope I shall not be considered troublesome, but as it is about a fortnight since I sent in my list of persons desirous of emigrating with me to the Cape of Good Hope, which list you were kind enough to say was under consideration, and as the poor people are very anxious to know Earl BATHURST's determination wishing to settle many of their family concerns before they go, you will oblige me by a communication. I am well aware of the difficulty of selection when there are so many applicants, but I hope and trust my rank in life and length of service in the Army will insure my being considered eligible for the undertaking, more particularly so as the Parish (of Chievely) from which I have selected most of the persons to accompany me is over burdened with poor, and who are literally in a starving state.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 298
Oct 11th 1819
I herewith send the list of persons proceeding under my direction to the Cape of Good Hope. The square at the top I was at a loss to know how to fill up, have therefore put the number of able bodied men or families specified in the list.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 386
11 Percy Street
Nov19th 1819
I fear I must have misunderstood an answer Mr. PENN gave me to a question wether if any of my party of settlers declined going, I may substitute others, provided they were of the same age and occupation. The case has occurred in my party more than once, and as I am given to understand by Capt YOUNG at Deptford that he cannot permit persons of another name to be substituted without your direction, I have to request as a favour that I may be permitted to correct my list, it being entirely a misconception on my part and I should be obliged to leave behind me my two Carpenters, which would entirely destroy the success of my undertaking.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 429
Northampton Transport
Dec 25th 1819
As I have been informed Mr PARKER has succeeded in his application for his party of settlers to be located on the Knysna instead of Algoa Bay, and as the former is the place of all others where I should like to have my grant of lands, I take the liberty of requesting the favour of Earl BATHURST's permission and orders for myself and party to proceed to that port.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obed't humble serv't
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