RESTALL, John (father of Robert RESTALL, 1820 Settler)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 536
Goodmans Fields
August 13 1819
As it is the intention of Government to send out settlers to the Cape of Good Hope I am desirous of information on the subject and shall esteem myself obliged by your directing an answer to be sent to the following questions.
Query 1 The situation of the spot intended and its distance from Cape Town
2 The purposes to which the soil is applicable
3 What timber and how near the coast
4 If inhabited and by what description of people
5 Will habitations be provided for the settlers on their arrival
6 If not is it intended to afford any facility or encouragement to the introduction of mechanics as well as agriculturalists
7 As buildings will be wanting and if even green timber can be obtained, all the other materials such as deals, glass, ironmongery &c must be wanted, will they be sent over at the expence of Government.
I am induced to make these querys being disposed to send my son out, who is 21 years old and has been brought up with me as a surveyor and carpenter and is perfectly competent, who if due encouragement is given might take out such materials, and mechanics as may be needful, or buildings in such a state of preparation as the prospect of obtaining supplys there might warrant. Your obliging and early attention to this will be esteemed a favor by
Your obedient humble servant
[Transcriber's Note: R. RESTALL listed as an independent settler on the Duke of Marlborough in Hockly's ‘Story of the British Settlers of 1820']
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