REVELL, Richard re Robert EMSLIE, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 549
Royal Hospital Chelsea
14th August 1819
In the absence of the Secretary I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of this Hospital to transmit herewith a petition from Robert EMSLIE, an Out Pensioner from the 76 Foot, praying to be informed whether any deposit will be required from persons of his description emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope, and I have the honor to request that you will be pleased to lay the petition before the Right Honorable Earl BATHURST for the opinion of his Lordship and return the same to me with such observations thereon as his Lordship may think proper to communicate.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
[Note from GOULBURN on reverese]
Acquaint him that no indulgence is given to any class of persons other than those specified in the printed circular of which send a copy
[Transcriber's Note: See Robert EMSLIE's petition and correspondence filed under E in CO48/43]
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