SHARP, Francis
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 716
No.4 Newcastle Street
[Received July 19th 1819]
Hon Sir,
Francis SHARP late of the 14th Lt Dragoons and John PASSER late of the 15th Hussars, both of whose instructions are inclosed, humbly beg leave to enquire from Earl BATHURST if it is likely the said pensioners may be admitted to profit by the offer of Government relative to the emigration of persons to the Cape of Good Hope, and whether their pensions can be drawn there.
They beg leave to represent to Earl BATHURST their desire to serve Government in any way where their services may be considered as most useful to their country. They are at present out of employ and an answer from Earl BATHURST will be most gratefully received by
Your Lordship's humble and obedient servants
F. SHARP 14th LtDs
John PASSER X his mark 15th Hs
- Hits: 5751